Where to buy RODI FT Lauderdale area?


New member
Can anyone suggest a reliable, quality source of RODI water in the Davie area? The local Allpets Emporium seems to have constant issues with their unit and blames the Davie water supply every time it goes down. Just tested the water I bought from there a few days ago with my new Hanna tester and phosphate is off the charts. I hope my food grade water container (plastic recycle grade 2) is not the culprit. I can't purchase an RODI unit at this time. Where should I buy my water from?
I dont know what the others will say but I have always used the Ro/DI machine at a local publix with no problems.. If its good enough for humans should be good enough for fish too right?? WRONG.. lol I could already hear people..

But seriously publix 25cents a G aint bad.. I need to get an RO filter though.
In the long run it is better to buy your own RODI...I like it cause I can make my own in a crunch etc Also, as you can look back in threads, sometimes you will see that even though we can consume the RO water at stores, some contain high levels of PO4 and TDS. One such was Walmart I beleive :)
I have air flow water just changed 3 of the filters for 29 bucks which is dirt cheap and they are 1 micron not the usual 5 micron. Props to ladybug as I got it from her about 1 year ago and after going through 1 tub of dd h2 ocean salt, numerous top offs, and a few over night oops sorry honey I forgot to turn off the rodi lol...
Just purchased some RODI water at Blue Seas Aquariums in Plantation. Hanna phosphate checker reads 0.08ppm....a little high but ok. Got the green light from the wife to purchase an RODI unit this weekend online.
Just purchased some RODI water at Blue Seas Aquariums in Plantation. Hanna phosphate checker reads 0.08ppm....a little high but ok. Got the green light from the wife to purchase an RODI unit this weekend online.

They probably use natural sea water, NSW usually has phosphates
Very happy with the 5 stage chloramines BRS RO/DO unit I purchased a couple of weeks ago. No more LFS water nightmares for me. I brought my tank water down from 0.20ppm (extremely high) to to 0.00ppm phosphate (Hanna checker) over the last few weeks thanks to my new RO/DI unit and GFO. A massive green algae outbreak was my tip off something was very wrong. Nitrates were zero all along.
+1 for publix water. I was using water from All fish/pets in coral springs for my nuvo 16 until I decided to not be lazy and test it, came back with 80+ppm tds and I saw a thread on here somewhere about the possibability of them using ph buffers in the RODI so it can be used for fresh water tanks. The Glacier machine in publix has been anywhere from 2-4ppm since I started using it about a month ago.
+1 for publix water.The Glacier machine in publix has been anywhere from 2-4ppm since I started using it about a month ago.

Same here. I used Publix water machine for a long time with no issues. Still use it occasionally when I am too lazy to make it the my RODI unit.