Wheres the Tunze

Chris Witort

New member
Roger, who has tunze stream? I am considering the two streams with multi controler kit. I was wondering about a few aspects of how the streams work and was hoping you might be able to clear them up for me. Do the streams stop completely while switching currents or tidal action? I'd like to avoid mincing any little fish that might get inside while it was stopped, if they do in fact stop. If the transformer is turned down to reduce flow to say 30% would the controller still reduce and increase the flow from the streams from this reduced level when set to pulse?
Most vendors got a few of the 6100's, 6060 and 6080 pumps last week. The 6000 is still not in yet. I just had the tunze site updated to include the current vendors. In tide mode they do switch off. Only a few small fish would be at risk, they would have to be less than 3/4" diameter. In pulse mode you could run one slow and the other fast.
Multicontrollers and 6000's should hopefully come in next week.
I sure hope the 6000's come in next week. Have you been able to get any out to dealers? I bought 2 and a multicontroller and waiting on them. I am unfortnantly way down the list. How many 6000's and multicontrollers do you think will come in next week? Are they going to start comming in regularly soon or?
Regularly is a relative term- if maximum output is 250 pumps (of all models combined) and you sell them in 32 countries and the US is only 10% of the market it will take some time. I did confirm that I will get 12 pumps this week, maybe more, but the fax transmission was interrupted and I only got 3 of 5 pages. Normal levels would be 20 of each model every other week and we aren't too far off from that. Just bear in mind that this is by no means Elan or Rio, the pumps are made by hand, a 6000 has over 100 total components and 1.5 manhours of labor so they aren't exactly mass produced. Be patient, we aren't going anywhere, the pumps will come in eventually.