which 14 or 15k bulb for Zoa's??


New member
I've just swopped to electronic ballasts (wife moaning about the breeze block magnetic ones!)

Trouble is I have been running 15k XM's which I liked alot, but these won't run properly on electronic ballasts :mad: So I'm gonna have to change....

Looking for what people like in either a 14k or 15k 150w D/E bulbs over thier Zoa's since thats what 99% of my tank has in it...

I've tried 10k's in the past & even with alot of atinics the Zoa's just don't "pop" so its gotta be 14k or 15k ones please?

Cheers Shelton.
14K or 15K? there's such a subtle difference, I think going with either won't make that much of a difference. For zoanthid colors, I'd go with a bluer, so 15K imo, but really I'd go for a 20K.
Sorry I might not have written that quite how I wanted...

I'm looking for brand reccommendations in 14k or 15k bulbs since I can't use these XM's with the electronic ballasts? I don't wanna spend big money on bulbs that either look awful or have a poor par rating?

Radiums? BLV's? Gisemann?
ooh, ok you were asking about the brands of either 14k or 15k, sorry I thought you were asking about recommendations for kelvin ratings.

Pheonix 14K is the best.

I know some people in the UK with the phoenix, maybe you should make a new post: "Where to find phoenix 14K in UK?"
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6999205#post6999205 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by coralfarm123
I use Phoenix 14K bulbs DE and love the color.

That's what I use! Don't have any experience with other colors so that is the extent of my input.
I have Hamilton 250w 14k.....Thats the only kind I have used and it is great, real nice ice white blue color and the colors of the corals look real nice to...
Thanks all, will have an ask around as to whether I can get either of those then :)

Cheers Shelton.
Can't get either Phoenix or Hamiltons in the uk! :(

Anybody run Gisemann bulbs, Radiums or BLV's?

Cheers Shelton.
Hamilton 14K as well. Does anybody know the difference between the Hamilton and Phoenix 14K? (color wise)
my 15k XM's rocked! the zoas had SO much better color than i've seen with a 20k or 10k XM bulb.

however...there were some downsides...the 20k bulb is MUCH brighter. that kinda sucks for sps and other light demanding stuff.

one of my 15k bulbs totally crapped out after about 5months of life on a 175w magnetic ballast. it turned yellow and bleached all alot of my sps. my other bulb has been going strong for almost 9-10months. it has a good blue color for several hours after it turns on, but then turns yellowish by the 10th hour its on.

and, i can also say for sure that one of my XM15k bulbs was ALOT bluer than an XM20k bulb I also got......good ole XM. :rolleyes: