Which corals spread like weeds?


New member
Which should be avoided to purchase because they spread like weeds?

Zoanthids seem to be that type from what I read...True?
My Pink palys & red montipora grow pretty fast. Zoas pop up a new polyp every now and again. Others don't grow very fast no matter how long you stare at them. I believe acros make up the majority of coral reefs and therefore prove to grow quickly. And, Yes GSP grow annoyingly fast
xenia, star polyps, zoas, palys, kenya tree, and mushrooms are just a few that will never be in a tank of mine ever again. my first tank almost 10 years ago I was all excited I got a small kenya frag that was on my first piece of live rock. Within 2 years it was probably about the size of your wrist at the base and took up about a quarter of a 75 gallon tank. It started dropping off limbs that were starting to propagate and grow elsewhere in the tank. That was when it was time for him to go. Same with the xenia.
xenia, star polyps, zoas, palys, kenya tree, and mushrooms are just a few that will never be in a tank of mine ever again. my first tank almost 10 years ago I was all excited I got a small kenya frag that was on my first piece of live rock. Within 2 years it was probably about the size of your wrist at the base and took up about a quarter of a 75 gallon tank. It started dropping off limbs that were starting to propagate and grow elsewhere in the tank. That was when it was time for him to go. Same with the xenia.
Had to LOL a bit. Oh the memories of dropping Kenya tree arms!
Those little blue snowflake polyps are probably the most invasive coral you're gonna find in the hobby.
Pocillopora can get out of hand. Many encrusting types can get out of hand on structural rock.
+1 GSP , I keep them on an island in the middle of the sand so to keep it contained and easily trimmed. I could frag pieces off every week, if I chose too. It grows crazy fast.
Pick a birds nest coral and guess why they're called that ?

I have Seriatopora, Ponape, Hystrics, take your pick, they all become basketballs if you let them.
I put green star polyp and Xenia in my tank before I knew better

This was about a year ago, and below is present day.