Which Gyre maker(s) for 5ft 100 gallon tank

I been running 2 of the glamorca 3k for 8 months (exactly the same as icecap, checked with coralvue) and is way enough for my 180gal. Nice programming capability. Only thing is that its not (yet) compatible with apex and require 30-60 days maintenance, otherwise big loss ion power, and might become noisy. When reassembling, you got to be carefulle that everything is nicely put together, or they can become loud as hell; but just removing the cage and move impellers a bit usually fix the problem, after a few time, you get the twist. havent compared to maxspect XF, but from what I read, it is moslty the same in programmation, power and maintenance.
I use a second-gen Gyre on a 105 gallon bow, 36" deep, and get good rolling flow clear to the bottom, at about 75% power.