Which Hawaiian Island?

I've been to almost every island of Hawaii as well. If I were you, I would stop by Oahu for several days and then spend several days + on Maui.
The order depends on what you like first... Rural first (Maui) then more city-like scene (Honolulu).

I'm into freediving personally and in terms of water temperature and coral life forms you can travel much closer if you're on east coast. Places like St. Thomas, USVI, Turks.
Hawaii is very special indeed but the water is colder and conditions rougher.
I would stay away from waikiki beach for your honeymoon...there are some good dive sites, but the city is way too crowded.
When on maui, take a day trip snorkel trip over to lanai, we went with safari dan or dave, the water around lanai was way better imo then maui and the crater. At the time there was only 2 day trips to lanai(8 months ago). We took 3 different scooba / snooba trips an that was by far the best. The crater is ok, but its really crowded. And i didnt think it looked as good as it did 10 years ago when i was there.