Which Power head to use...


In Memoriam
I currently have a MJ 1200, but I have been seeing all these new ones coming out like the Hydor Koralia 4 and the Tunze Turbelle NanoStream... Which would you prefer?

This will be going in a 30g Oceanic Cube going to be doing dominately soft corals, but I would like to also have a few nice pieces of SPS.

Let me know what you all think, thanks!
-Mike C.
I have a 28 Gal & a Koralia 4 is to much flow, but you can try a koralia 1 or 2. The Koralia nanos prob wont be enough flow, and the 3 might still be to much, just my .02
Thanks for the suggestion, thats what I was afraid of especially considering its a cube.

I really like Tunze as a brand and for quality and performance, I might just go with there NanoStream, the smallest version, its only $70 and thats probably the cheapest thing I have seen from Tunze...

Thanks and would like to hear from someone with a Tunze NanoStream if possible.

For the money, I love the koralia's I think that they are great. They have a really easy mod to attach them to a controller....
I have a Koralia 1 and a Nanostream 6025. They're about the same size. The Tunze is more flow, but the Koralia's mounting system is much nicer. The Tunze is also noisier, vibrations mostly probably caused by the more powerful motor.
I have four Tunze nanoStreams. Mine are all dead silent however two of the brackets broke the first time I went to move them after being in saltwater for only several weeks.
i use a K3 in my 30 gal along with a few other power heads for dead spots and my sump return. my main flow comes from the K3 and the sump return from a rio 2500.
i just picked up 3 tunze 6025 nanonsteams and absolutely love them.

its so easy to mount them at any position. they are modded pushing around 1200gph at 7 watts!

id recomemnd 1 of them in the 30 g and a seaswirl or squid on your return to get some dif movement in there.