which skimmer......

which skimmer......

  • reef octopus sro 2000 int

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • reef octopus xp 2000 sss

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters


New member
i'm having a battle in my head on which of these two skimmers to get. both are used btw.

reef octopus sro 2000 int for $200


reef octopus xo 2000 sss for $160

i have plenty of space so i can fit either or. i'm leaning towards the sss just because it's cheaper but if the performance is better on the sro i don't mind spending the extra $. all opinions are appreciated

thanks antonio
I have a regular XP 2000 and can't complain. Don't know much about the other model. I think either will be fine. How big a tank we talkin?

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I had a 1000 sro on my 120 and it couldn't keep up. I don't think the 2000 will do well on a 160.

Just my opinion.

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I have the 3000 sss and it works great. It is a tad noisy though. Plus I needed to frabricate a grate for the pump because my red banded trochus would go inside the pump.
will do thanks rovster. i'm slowly building up. i just bought since it was a pretty good deal. i'm far from running my tank