which type of protien skimmer


New member
hi, i have a 12 gallon eclipse salt water fish/reef tank, and i want to know wich skimmer would be the best for me. i dont want to much of a mess to mess with, so i think i need a back pack skimmer. what do you think. if you know the type and model that would be cool. thank you
i have heard that the deltec hob is about the best you can get for a small tank. its a little ver priced but will work good for what you have.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6549846#post6549846 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by chadfarmer
suggest doing a water change every week and there will be no need for a skimmer on a 12 gallon

I agree. Change out 1-2 gallons per week and you have no need for a skimmer, IMO.
thank you guys thats what i wanted to hear. i just got a small power head to push a little water and it is doing it's job. i rinsed the 2 stage filter and yesterday I changed 3 gallons of water.