white pine strong enough for 60gal cube?


New member
Im building a stand for my 60 gallon cube(24"x24"x24"). I would like to use all white pine but Im a bit worried about how it will hold up to the weight since its such a soft wood. Does anyone have any experience with this wood?

All comments would be appreciated!



if you are willing to build an interior frame it would be easy. the question is how much take a stick and break it now take 10 and you will see what i mean
Re: yes

Re: yes

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6508476#post6508476 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Greg manton
if you are willing to build an interior frame it would be easy. the question is how much take a stick and break it now take 10 and you will see what i mean
sorry this is like drunk talk i meant to say the more wood you use the better chances you have. i kept a 35 freashwater on a coffie tabe 8 bolts held it if i only thought back then would never atempt this now.
Even though white pine is a soft wood it takes alot of weight. Just you would lose the space under the tank because you would need to reinforcment planks under....... but other than that it's a sound wood to use.
Basically there would be 4 supports under the top of the cabinet.

|_____________________| Top
| |..........................| |
| |..........................| |
| |..........................| |
| |..........................| |
| |..........................| | 2 - 3/4" x 4" x 3' supports in front
| |..........................| | and back
| |..........................| |
| |..........................| | sides- full length white pine
| |..........................| |
|_____________________| Bottom

Front View
You that should work... LoL i probably should have read your dimensions before posting sorry..... White pine even though it's soft is pretty darn strong so I'de say yes for my vote
Check this out man: a single 2x4 stood on end can withstand 4500lb of pressure. Think about it modern homes are built strictly out of pine. As long as you build a stand where the weight is supported by the wood and not by the screws you will be fine. people on rc have even 700gal tanks on wood stands. Just do some research on good stand construction techniques.
he knows regular pine will work fine but white pine is a very soft grade of pine wood and even though it is soft it will hold up.

There are many grades and species of pine. Of white pine in particular, I have noted it usually dries out too fast and warps, checks or cracks...especially near water. Martial Arts classes usually use it for 'board breaking' in under 10 year old testing demonstrations. Of the pine found at the local Lowes/HD I prefer to use Southern Yellow Pine or Douglas Fir.

To get the best possible inside dimensions for a 24x24 stand I would use 3/4" plywood. One sheet is all you need. If you can find Baltic Birch thats the best, but a Birch Hardwood Panel found at Lowes would give you a nice outside face for staining and be plenty of structural support. I would dado a shelf 4" off the bottom of the sides and rabbit the top in to the sides. Use Titebond II Glue on all joined areas. You can leave the back open or rabbit two panels into the sides that gives better support but still allows for cord access. These two panels can be as wide as you wish but generally I like to leave app. 8-10" opening between them for ventilation. HTH