Who Can Help Me With The Flow In My Cube???


New member
here i have made two pictures on paint (i no im not that good!)
the first one shows two maxijet ph1200 in each corner facing the front glass, a tunze 6000 on controller on the bottom and the overflow and green return from sump (which will go on a rotating nozzle soon) the second shows what the rock work will be like (note blue tip stag- coudnt resist!). the yellow lines represent the current i hope to achieve (random with few dead spots).

Is this good flow for a tank measuring 24x24x30 (high cube) which will be hard coral bare bottomed, lit by a 250w 10k halide and 50w T8 actinic?

could sps colonies be placed anywhere in the tank ie. on the bare bottom?

are there any pitfalls or recomendations to get this really good??

regards madok.


with rock:

Keep in mind that I'm not an expert, but it seems like your tunze is being wasted somewhat. Its not really blowing at the corals, it is just bouncing off the front glass and returning a minimal amount of the flow back to the actual reef.

I would be more inclined to put that Tunze that front rock off the main structure and aim it towards the actual reef.

i thought direct flow was bad too? i thought this way set on a high setting it would be a random wave rather thatn a continual pulse. btw the tunze has not yet been purchased and could be upgraded if really needed.
Tunzes aren't really direct flow. Maxi-jets are more of direct flow.

IMO, I would really have the flow from the Tunze pointing towards the reef, blowing over the reef, or blowing across the reef. Blowing out of the reef somewhat seems like a waste to me unless you are using it to keep the bottom clean.

I'd wait for a few more opinions to come in before you decide anything.
yes keeping the bottom clean was one of its uses there, but also to come back at the reef and to swish around the sides of the rock. any more help would be appreciated.

btw what do people think of placing sps directly o the bottom?
I have the same size cube. I have a CL with two of the outlets on the back wall. One outlet is pointed towards the upper front glass and the other is pointed at the middle front glass.
The flow that bounces off the front glass blows right back at the rock.

With only 24 inches to travel there is still plenty of flow to bounce back. Creates some nice swirling currents.

I also have two outlets that run from under the rock pointed at the back. They bounce off the back corners towards the front.

There are pics in my gallery of it. One pic shows the outlets on the back wall.

I have an Iwaki 100 running the CL from the basement sump.

So basically I think you are good.