4 shrimp Lg 16/20 sz
3 scallops
4 mussels
3 squids
2 clams med
2 garlic cloves (process with the garlic press)
2 tspoon Cyclop-ezee.
2 full squirts of selcon
2 pckg natural gelatine (find it by the baking items)
Mix all the ingredients except the gelatine in the food processor by pulsing it do not turn on the processor full blast cause it will totally make it in to paste, you want everything to be fine chopped. If you don't have a food processor you can do it the old fasshion way, sharp knive and cutting board!
Remove the mixture out into a large non metalic mixing bowl and set aside in the fridge.
On a different bowl combine the 2 Natural gelatin packages in a 1/2 cup of cold r/o water and then add 3/4 cup of boiling r/o water mix well and let it cool to room temperature.
Bring your seafood mixture out of the fridge and start incorporating the gelatin mixture liquid little by little until you get it well mix you will not use all the gelatin mix.
Place all this mixture into 1 or 2 large zip-lock bags, place flat on your counter and with your hands try to make it into a thin sheet free of air, seal the bag and place it in the freezer.
when is time to feed break some pieces chop them with your fingers, let them thaw for a few minutes and feed your fish.
Depending on your cooking skills this may sound like a lot, but it is well worthy and it will last for a few months, If you have any questions, please let me know, I'll be happy to help.
Rogger Castells