Why are some of my fish getting dropsy and dying in hypo ?


In Memoriam
Its just one thing after another man..

First ich.. now this.. im doing hypo at 1.08 itd been like this for nearly 3 weeks.. in 2 of my tanks. I did get some new fish in between to stock my tank so i dont hsve to buy any fish and doing quarantine again. At least for awhile.

I got a flame angel fir petcos 30% off sale.. in 2 days hes dead... i acclimated him slowely in the water he came in.. i added my tank water over many hours.

And in 2 daya.. hes pine coning his scales and nesrly dead. I had a flame hawk die last night from this as well.. and 2 weeks ago i got a butterfly fish for my other tank.. same thing.. oine coning within a day and dead.

I thought all fish but sharks and rays can handle hypo... sure doesnt look like it to me. The fish getting dropsy thr pine cone affect of their scales means they are retaining water and kidneys are shutting down.

So what in the hell man... this hobby is such a waste of money man... IM AT MY LAST thread eith this.. im tired of 40 50 60 dollar fish just dying all the time.. first it was from ich... then i did copper and it killed fish.. then i do hypo and it saved my fish.. but now hypo is killing some of them.. what is with this crap man.

Can anyone explain why hypo is causing some fish to pine cone.
Hypo is 1.009
Are you positive your at 1.008, measured by two separate sources.
Hypo would have worked in 4-7 days.
no idea if this will help.

most all the fish die from our local petco (freshwater and salt), they have a problem with their tanks (they are set up as community tanks and do not have the ability to close the tank where a fish may be sick). theres another petco a bit further that has a better tank setup (individual) and we havent had any problems with fish there. also the second petco is willing to hold fish in their tanks for x days before you pick up. they will also keep it in the bag it was delivered in if you order a special fish and pick up the day it arrives. of course you already know that is cool because it will not be exposed to any potential pathogens and it will not suffer fatigue from being acclimated twice in a short period of time.

a bit further away, there is a locally owned pet shop that will qt your fish for up to 10 days on request and also offers a 14 day live guarantee. this shop also happens to be having a 50% off sale this weekend
Upon further research i found out dwarf angels are usually unable to handle hypo. Same with anthias and wrasse and butterflies.

This would exolain why my butterfly like a month ago. All 4 of my anthias.. my lubbocks wrasse and my flame angel got pine coned scales and died in 2 days in hypo.

I did some research on this last night and i found many many similar experiences from other people with the same exact fish.. same symptoms too pine cone scales and dead. Lots of ppl did hypo with flame angels and anthias and wrasse.. same exact problem.. So i dont think these articles that claim hypo is safe for all fish but sharks and rays should be saying this.. because its not true

Wish i knew this before i woukd have never bought those anthias or butterfly or the flame angels... I was only able to save one ignitus anthias last night by taking him out and putting him in my 5g tank with salinity at 1.017

I know.. big jump from 1.08 to 1.017 but he woulda died raising salinity slowely.. i could scoop him out with my hand he was so weak.

This sucks... but now i know what fish to avoid with hypo
Sorry to hear.
1.08 is not hypo like mentioned above by uncle99. If you are having issues at that salinity then there is definitely something else going on. I have personally treated many fish including butterflies, angels and anthias in the past with hypo at 1.008 without any issues. I do a week of hypo on every new fish I get to treat for flukes as part of my initial qt protocol.
Are there any other symptoms? What are you using to measure salinity? Ammonia? How long has the qt been setup and how fast are you dropping the salinity?
Hypo been going on for 3 weeks. 0 ammonia. I use a refratometer i calibrate everytime before i check.. i check using refracto juice at 1.026 and distilled at 1.000 trust me its spots on.

I raised sailinity to 1.09 but tbh my fish were fine at 1.08 even 1.07 for weeks.. thrn when i got these specific species they couldnt handle it past 24-48 hrs.

I have no other symptoms other then thr pine coning they do.

Pine oning of scales has to do with osmoregulation.. The kidneys arent working proerly.. and since hypo is a osmoregulation change i can see if affecting fish like this.. Specially if you read others having the same problem with these species.

Instead of a flame angel again and taking a chance. I got a kole tang yesturday. He is doing fine in hypo.. minus him having ich from the store that showed up before i even put him in my tank... so annoying how wide spread that parasite is..

I havent seen ich in my hypo for 2 weeks now..
I'm a bit confused. You keep writing 1.08; do you mean to say 1.008? Bc those two are not the same. 1.008 is hypo. 1.08 is not.
Also Keep in mind that hypo is not 100% effective against ich and there has been strains documented that are hypo resistant. Also hypo doesn't treat velvet which is becoming more and more common now a days.
Pure marine fish can handle salinities that are above the salinity of their blood and internal fluids. That internal salinity is for bony fish around 11ppt (1.008).
If you calculate a total margin of error (measurement system and calibration) of at least 1 then the safe lower limit would be 1.009.
Hyposalinity is generally effective against Cryptocaryon and most Monoganeans below 15ppt (1.011). Going by the same margin of error you should aim for a salinity between 1.009 and 1.010 to be for sure within the therapeutic range and in the safe zone for the fish.
If you go for 1.008 and are off by just .001 to the wrong side you might put fish at risk.

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