why don't my purple hornets POP like i see others?


New member
i have had my purple hornets for about a week now and i got them from gary at reefpets. i always see deep purples and amazing colors in pics but mine don't look the same. i have an alternating skirt but it's hard to see. i have them on the bottom 1/3 of the tank to the side under a 15k MH. whats wrong with them? heres a pic.

those other pics could be photoshopped (yk people do it!!!) or maybe taken under actinics(sorry if my spelling is wrong)? maybe?
and also the skirt isn't like it is in the pic. it thinned out a lot and you can't even notice the alternating skirts.
i wan't mine to look like this. and they have this pic on zoaid so i would think it wasn't photoshoped. but i don't understand why my skirt isn't thick and short like these. there kind of skinny.
I have mine at the top of my tank and they look about the same as yours. No expert here, by a long shot, but I would say not to worry about the skirt, I am guessing your polyp was fraged from the outer edge of the mother colony and might be a young polyp and it will develop more as it gets older. You got it from Gary, theres nothing wrong with it. I bought some X men from Mid west frags ( which are growing great, 3 new babies) in my tank they look nothing like they do on their web site. On the Web site, nice shinny black centers with a nice pretty red ring around the edge. The ones in my tank, redish brown centers with a faint red ring around the edge. But, I have 3, 250w20K bulbs and the polyps are high in the tank. So, what I am saying, alot of things effect the way your ployps look.
I have seen first hand some really stunning purple hornets, but I really think it comes down to placement to get the nice colors out. You can try experimenting with direct and indirect variations of light and see what works best over time.
I heard they brighten up, shipping can dull them down.

I omitted your name because I am not singling you out as it was simply something you were told....

but anybody who says that is absolutely full of crap and either lying to cover up their photoshopping or full of crap for some other reason

sps can lose a little color in some cases, especially if it was a poor ship. But in concern to polyps it simply isnt true. I ship lots and can say that any polyp that ships well and opens up in the first couple of days does not ever lose any color whatsoever.

the OP's pic isnt under a ton of blue which doesnt exaggerate colors and its a little overexposed. the overexposure is easy to fix though :)


or we could fix the polyp entirely and you could say it lost color in shipping if the buyer is disappointed.........

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Gary from reefpets takes his pics under 20k ushio's or 20k reeflux can't remember which...thus the color difference from his pics.....I have dealt with Gary many times and even tho his frags are on the smaller side IMO...he has great stuff.
I think its to do with maturity. also a good macro pic may show color and size that you just dont see with the naked eye.