I have mine at the top of my tank and they look about the same as yours. No expert here, by a long shot, but I would say not to worry about the skirt, I am guessing your polyp was fraged from the outer edge of the mother colony and might be a young polyp and it will develop more as it gets older. You got it from Gary, theres nothing wrong with it. I bought some X men from Mid west frags ( which are growing great, 3 new babies) in my tank they look nothing like they do on their web site. On the Web site, nice shinny black centers with a nice pretty red ring around the edge. The ones in my tank, redish brown centers with a faint red ring around the edge. But, I have 3, 250w20K bulbs and the polyps are high in the tank. So, what I am saying, alot of things effect the way your ployps look.