Why so few fish


New member
Hello BlueZoo!!

I check the website daily for the collector's choice update and I notice so very few fish available. Why is this? I know that I am not the only one who wants to see more WYSIWYG fish!

~Michael :)
In the past Blue Zoo has even closed down completely in the month of Dec., with the Xmas Holiday combined with bad weather, Dec is a challenging month with FedEx, perhaps a little risky sending the more uncommon fish in the WYSIWYG section....I'm sure Mark and Blue Zoo will be restocked in January.:beer:
spoke with Mike recently, as the holidays and seasons run their course....so to does the industry. theyre stock depends on their distributors *(as does the entire industry). And if you havent noticed....it all goes in cycles. So, hang in there and wait, theyre worth waiting for!