i think bebo77 summed it up best for sure....and i completely agree with zoakeeper in regards to corals being "rare" in the hobby there are some that are protected and should not be in anyones tank, and people selling wild specimens of such corals are Dbags...fish are another story, and depending on how they are collected, some are indeed rare to the hobby (for me, certainly not 3500$ gem tang rare though) other then that there are thousands of zoas out there, some grow slow, some grow quick, none are rare, and none have goofy names in the wild that should demand any sort of price....
i only buy zoas from people who list them as Zoa A from bali, zoa B from indo, zoa c from japan, etc...i could care less about the stupid names demanding ridiculous prices...sure zoa c might be more expensive as it costs more to ship/export from japan then it does from indonesia, and perhaps the colour is a little better, yeah i would pay more to cover shipping and the fact the zoa is fire engine orange/red...but because someone tags it "rare japanese firebomb" i should pay 50 bucks per polyp...i dont think so...the guy in japan sold it to him as orange zoanthid from japan for 50 cents a polyp....i know i certainly have a lot more respect for someone selling me something for what it is and not what they think it should be...
i now there isnt a single refernce in any of my saltwater books to tubs blues or purple hornets or darth mauls, they are called zoanthids and they are exported from different regions/oceans of the world...
what rally makes me laugh is people who buy frags and colonies from stores or other people, and the first thing they do is ask what its name is...DUH it is a zoanthid...then you get the guys buying wild shipments saying they bought "purple hornets" and then turn around massacre the colony and sell it for 50 bucks a polyp, now everyone thinks they have bought this prized coral from someone who has dealt with the person who coined the name in the first place, which is obviously ridiculous since the colony is wild and likely not even from the same region the "original" ones came from...unless people are sending out COA (certificates of authenticity) with their so called rare and prized corals directly from the namee, there is absolutely no point naming the corals...at least there is no point in buying them for ridiculous prices without proof....and as bebo has said there are people out there...if your one of them i feel badly you have been duped, but the name game is ridiculous...call it for what it is and from where it is and that should be more then enough..