WiFi 165w LED Lights Review

Redsox Nation

New member
So I got these lights in on Wednesday and thought I'd give a quick review.


I ordered these last Wed and they arrived 4 bus days later, so quick shipping. They arrived packed well and secure. Upon opening them, they appear to be built very well. Have a nice sleek high gloss finish to them and also came with a nice colored easy to read/understand user guide which I felt was a plus.

Setting up the WiFi was a breeze and extremely easy to connect to, there is both a iphone/android app to use to control the lights via your phone. The set I bought came with the additional options of having thunderstorm, cloud, and moon effects!

I have been playing around with trying to come up with the best schedule for the lights and I must say I am very pleased with the outcome of the spectrum and ease it is to change things. One of the things I like most is that these lights will gradually change to the next setting vs just full on blast (meaning they will go from 20% to 21, 22, 23, etc until the desired setting is reached).

The app is user friendly as well and does allow you to customize the lighting both manually and then of course it has 3 different timer settings in which each setting will allow you to customize/change the light output up to 6 different times throughout a 24 hr period. You can also control the length and intensity of both the thunderstorm effect and cloud effect.

A few things that I did not like, is you cannot pair 2 or more units together on the same WiFi channel which is the biggest complaint I have. So If I want to change the settings, I have to connect to each light individually. The other thing I do not like is that you only have the 6 settings in a 24 hr period, so you really have to choose wisely for creating the sunrise to sunset effect and then of course 1 of those 6 settings is used up for the moon lights. But theses known issues have been voiced via the app and hopefully they can be addressed and updated via the app in the future to be corrected.

All in all I am extremely pleased with the purchase and feel if these end up lasting for a few years then I got a GREAT deal for them. I've been pretty busy at work and really haven't had time to take pics or vids, but heres a few I took when they came in. I'll upload more showing the different effects and features when I can.

  • Price Price Price
  • Being WiFi and controllable via App
  • Thunderstorm, Clouds, Moon effects
  • 1 yr warranty

  • Unable to pair multiple units via the same WiFi connection
  • Only having 6 settings for a 24hr window

Very nice. Thank you for sharing these look awesome and the price is just right. Keep us posted and if you get some time, share a video of the features with us. Thanks again!
Could you comment on the spread of the lights? I have a 4*2 tank and was wondering if 2 would cover it or if I would need more.
Yeah, sounds like you have to manually switch over to each light the change the settings, rather than changing one setting and applying it to all lights.

When you mention that you only have 1 of 6 setting for the 24 hr period, could you elaborate on that? I don't quite understand what you mean, sorry!

Thanks for the initial review
ok gotcha would have helped if I read it better lol ... I don't mind that I used to have the photon and.with 2 u have to manually do the sane thing for your light cycle on each unit
When you mention that you only have 1 of 6 setting for the 24 hr period, could you elaborate on that? I don't quite understand what you mean, sorry!

Look at the bottom section of the image under Timer Mode this might help explain a little better.

Could you comment on the spread of the lights? I have a 4*2 tank and was wondering if 2 would cover it or if I would need more.

Honestly I feel the spread is very nice and extremely bright. I believe so far my highest output during mid day is set to 65%. I have 2 of them on my 120g tall

so if you have three units you can only use one on your network?

correct, as explained early you would have to connect via wifi to each light individually to setup the schedule or change anything. I mean it takes just a few secs to do so but still a huge inconveinece!

I think what he was getting at was you can not pair them together. and that if you want to make a change in the program setting you have to do it individual for all units you have.

This is correct

Yeah, sounds like you have to manually switch over to each light the change the settings, rather than changing one setting and applying it to all lights.

When you mention that you only have 1 of 6 setting for the 24 hr period, could you elaborate on that? I don't quite understand what you mean, sorry!

As seen in the pic above you only have 6 options/settings to change the lighting schedule. Granted its still nice, but more to me would really give it even more customizable advantage. I feel as if 6 is short as 1 setting is used for moon lighting so it automatically takes 1 away unless you dont want to use the feature.

Thanks for the initial review

But it seems if the wifi access took a dump.you would be SOL for controlling them

you can control them manually through the knob on the unit itself, all 3 channels are seperate so you dont loose that function.

I will attempt to get some pics and vids up this weekend for everyone.
Little more pricey but these photon units are cool and offer a wifi wireless remote... depending on the size you need not too much more and has a 2 year warranty compared to a 1 year.


Also depending on the size tank you have, say you need 3, you may get away with the 60-w instead of 3 separate units and then you only have one light to set and control instead of 3 different ones
here is a short vid of the "Cloud" simulation....I dont have this option programmed into my settings just yet so the 2 lights are out of sync. However, you can program them to come on each day and also set the intensity/length of the clouds together for the lights. **DISCLAIMER** pls excuse my little one in the back ground...she was excited to get her popcorn :dance:

Little more pricey but these photon units are cool and offer a wifi wireless remote... depending on the size you need not too much more and has a 2 year warranty compared to a 1 year.


Also depending on the size tank you have, say you need 3, you may get away with the 60-w instead of 3 separate units and then you only have one light to set and control instead of 3 different ones

That's twice as much, little too pricey for me. OP got 2 lights for $350
yeah I know they are more expensive but more trustworthy in my opinion and won't run you brokelike the price tag on Radions can. but more so my point was with The photon w you could have 3 lights and they all connect together wirelessly with 1 remote to set all 3 at the same time
So how big of tank would this handle?

I have 2 on my 120 and they completely fill it

Are you still happy with these? Was thinking about getting 3 for my 210

I am extremely happy with them...(knock on wood). I have pretty much set my lights to my liking and havent had to do anything else....figured i'd give them a few weeks at the settings i'm at and then ramp them up as we go. For the price and functionality I would def recommend these.