Will my current lighting work


New member
I have a 50 gallon tank that is about 5 months old and want to start adding coral to it. Right now I have 285 watts of VHO that sits about 18in above the tank. These are some of the coral that I would like to have.

Euphyllia ancora (Hammer coral)
some SPS

Will my current lighting set up work for these or would I need to upgrade to MH. If I do upgrade to MH will 2 175 watt lights be enough.

Also are these corals compatible in the same tank.

That would be fine for all that you list. Some SPS may do better with other light, but that would be a good setup for the LPS.
You really cant have a single mh on a 48'' tank because one mh can cover around a 2 x 2' area. You would need 2 mh units. I would get 2 250 watt retro kits if you have money to do so.
You can put the 175 on one side of the tank but the lighting would be REALLY uneven. I would look at lowering the VHO's even for the LPS corals that you want.
I would think you would have enough lighting. The only thing is you say it is above the tank by 18". If that is the case I would try lowering it. I have seen a 8 foot long Marine tank with one set of M/H on one end and they are only 150 watts (There where 2 of them to cover a 3foot area) and the corals where all placed under there and they where all growing great.