Wills Ric's move?


New member
This may be a stupid question but here goes.

Will Rics move on there own? Mine was fine last night and this morning he has disappered! Just simply vanished. The only thing different in my tank now is that I added a huge C.B. Angel Monday. But I have not seen him mess with it. But I can't find the ric anywhere.
They can detatch i think just like other mushrooms and they can deflate to a very tiny size. i'd keep an eye out for it and check your rockworks nooks and crannies
I've seen a ricordea disappear completely over night and never be found again. My coworker had that happen to him. 3 months later we still haven't found it.
I cut the head off of one orange yuma to experiment with fragging. The stem grew into a baby yuma (in a month), and then dittached itself. I found it a week later on a rock 6 inches lower.
i read this post yesterday and the florida ric i got from a friend
just disappered as well ...
They don't move like other things in this hobby like anenomes, but they do move. Just put something next to one that would sting it an they move within the day, I have seen this personally.