Quick update. (About time!!!)
I replaced the RD Bio-pellet Rx with a Reef Octopus & the RD Calcium Rx with a GEO 624. Added a couple more pumps (2 MP-40's) & another Radion to the main tank. Upgraded all Radions to G3's. Changed the main pump from 220V to 110V.
Mixed Reef Main Tank:
Stuff is growing well/fast. Scored a mini-colony of Turbinaria bifrons.
Satellite One:
The Peacock Mantis died after i had it for about 21 months. I replaced it with a Briareus octopus - that lived for about 8 months (it grew from ~20" to ~24"). I got a new one that was only ~6", it died after a couple of months. I got 2 S bendensis cuttlefish (through LFS via Reef Gen). They have laid a couple clutches of eggs - a couple just hatched out (see pic above).
Satellite Two:
The 'Nemo' tank hasn't changed too much, it became an Acan garden & a grow out place for Zoa$.
Display Fuge:
Since I am a n00b, I didn't know that you are supposed to replace some (25% or so) of the Miracle Mud every year, I did not & it went to $hit. I converted it to a 'regular' display tank, now I have a couple Kuda seahorses in it (as well as a Lobo / Welso Garden)
Overall, everything is going swimmingly (KNOCK WOOD!). I hope I have not angered the Reefing Gods!
As noted above, I am moving & adding a couple of tanks to the WonderWall. It's going to add about 50% (250g) more water. Keep an eye out for a new WonderWall 2.0 thread, coming soon with Sketchup 3-D renderings.