"Worm" Pics, bring em!


Curator of glass boxes
Just got a fair sized polychaete into a species tank. Very interesting critters! Anyone have shots of some other than standard tiny ones?
How is yours interesting? Do you see it often? I had thought about keeping one myself but figured I'd never see it, so it wouldn't be worth it.
Pulled from my old 38 years ago.


Some from this tank.


Question Sushi Girl (and not to hijack the thread), but why did you pull them? Where they harmful or just too big? I'm terrified of land worms, but have a weird fascination with marine worms.
Top one was after a tank crash. Pulled a pink one the same size after that tank crashed the 2nd time.

The rest I have too many large ones, and they steal food from my $40 pistol shrimp & some of my corals so we grab 'em when we can. We still have plenty LOL.
Nice Sushigirl! Afew fatties there! I'll get pics of mine on next feeding...just a standard bristle about 4-5".
@ Gnasher I just find them interesting in general, especially when looking for food!

Lol @ kingfisher!
I've been quite the hunter using tweezers for years. One night I pulled out 2 dozen when I was bored LOL. I taught my boyfriend the technique too. Tonight while I was on the phone he proudly brought in a fat 6-inch bristleworm to show me.

Wow, I had to edit that to not get infracted!