Well Mike it could any one of many different things. Or a combination of few. I am very choosy about everything I put in my tanks. Recently my mimic has become very distant and started to act strange. I did tests on water and found nitrate to be a little higher than normal so I did a water change. Well my mimic started to act even stranger. Sleeping all the time, not eating well... I was worried that old age was setting in and octo was on its way out. I checked my log I keep and started to look at things. I keep a temp data logger on the tank and my temp was steady and fine, did repeated tests with new test kits all were fine. I did another water change to see if the water could have had some contamination in it my tests did not/ could not see. Things still seemed to get worse. I tested my water right out of my ro/di and that seemd fine. Finally after looking at my log I realised A month or so ago
I switched from reef crystals to instant ocean salt. The reason being was my local store was out of reef crystals and I was due for a water change on my tanks. I had noticed in my mantis tank too that my tube anemone was looking crappy. So I went to my favorite LFS to get some reef crystals and wound up having a interesting discussion with the people I trust there very much.
It turns out they stopped selling instant ocean a few years back after they too had wierd things happening... My suspicions about instant ocean were peaking.
I got home with the reef crystals, mixed up a batch, let it get to temp and oxygenate over nite and did a large change the next night when the mimic was under the sand sleeping. I also changed some water in my mantis tank.
The next morning my mimic came running out to greet me, fed nicely on a piece of shrimp and seemed a lot more active. That evening it was up exploring the tank all night, something it had not been doing in a month. My tube anemone in my mantis tank looked a lot better too and was taking food. I will continue doing water changes till I am sure all the instant ocean is out of my tanks!! Now I am not sure if the 25 gln box of IO I bought was bad or it just did not work for my mimic. All I know is that I have always had luck with reef crystals since day one and will never change again.
Instant ocean might be a fine salt and might not even have been the problem. But it takes a variable out of the equasion for me and things seem to be better.