WTB: 30 inch 130 watt PC fixture


Active member
Hello all. I'm setting up a 20 long for a peacock mantis shrimp and I need a 30 inch 130 watt PC fixture. I would prefer Current but I'll take Coralife. Please let me know if you or someone you know has one available. Thanks in advance.
I have a 36" if interested. I believe it is considered a "retro". I got in from Newark Tropicals when thye went out of business, it appears to be in the same housing you'd find a standard flourecent.

I am assuming the inards could be removed and put in a 30" housing.
Yeah kaptken. I still have my 37 that's at the tattoo shop and now I'm in the process of setting up a 30 cube and this 20 long.