XM 10K 250 W SE with Ice Cap Electronic Ballast


New member
Your site indicates the XM 10K 250W SE MH bulb (item code MB6417) does not work with Ice Cap electronic ballasts. I have successfully been running the same bulbs on my system with those ballasts for over a year now and am looking to replace them. Is there something new/different about these bulbs that makes you say they don't work with the electronic ballasts?


Thank you for your post and for brining this to our attention. At one time there was a compatibility issue with the bulb and the Icecap ballast, but it has longed been fixed. I will have our design team remove those notations from our website. I am sure it was just an oversight in our part.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Marine Depot Customer Service
Now I am confused... I had also sent a message to the customercare email at Marine Depot and here is the response I got:

Hello Darren,

Thank you for contacting us.

Generally speaking they do not work properly with the Ice Cap ballast even to this day they still have issues and I have personally called Ice Cap and asked them this question and they have said that it is yet to be fully resolved. Some of the Ice Cap ballasts will work with out issue others will not. I am not sure of the reason that they do not always work properly. You may want to contact Ice Cap directly they will better be able to answers your question. Ice Cap can be contacted at 800-742-3227 or Andy@icecapinc.com. If you have any other questions please contact us.

Richard O.

Which response is correct?
I just sent in my order without the bulbs. If they truly are compatible with the ballasts, how can I go about adding them to my order?


Thank you for your post, I apologize that you were mis-informed. The problem has indeed been fixed and there is currently no known issue between the bulb and the ballast. If you need to have them added to your order please send me an email or call me personally so I can add the items to your order or at least waive the shipment charges for you if I can't add them to your current order.

Marine Depot Customer Service
FYI to all -
Walter was able to add two bulbs to my order and even upgraded shipping to 2nd day air! The note was also removed from the website. Thanks Walter and MarineDepot!