
I finally got a mantis!:celeb2::beer: Here's my setup:
10 gallon AGA
1 pound elkhorn LR
1 pound Fiji LR
1-2" of live sand
1 5" inch long mantis(
1 scooter blenny
one unknown snail
Tetra power filter 10-15 gallon
air pump
17 watt NO florescent.
salinity 1.022 (ocean's PH is 1.025-26 by the way)
PH 8.3
ANY COMMENTS? Shouls I add anything?
He looks like this one:
ReefRat - I was thinking the same thing. The blenny is toast. And the breed of snail he has is "mantis-fooditis."

S !
I know is a Gonodactylus chigara,and it won't eatr the snail,it's half a inch long,mantis is about five inches.The scooter blenny is protected in one of those plastic critter keepers.Also I added about half a pound of live rock.50 cents for a forth of a pound.
Mantisshrimp, I have three mantis and any of them would love a 1/2" snail. One of them would probably go thru the plastic box for the blenny. It snapped my acrylic feeding stick the other day without hardly a thought.
I'd love to be able to keep snails in the tank for cleaning purposes, or anything for that matter that wouldn't get eaten. If you can keep snails, congrats!!
I FEED mine Nassarius snails. They are the size of a pencil eraser. Snails are the perfect mantis food. Slow moving, no defenses, hard shell to hit...

If I was that snail in your tank, I'd hurry up and evolve! Breathing air wouldn't be so bad...

As for the blenny, I hope that keeper has a great latch. Mantis are the racoon of the ocean. If there's a way in, it'll find it. I picture Tweety in his cage, with Sylvester prowling.

S !