Yellow tang dying?!?! Help!


New member
Hi guys I have a yellow tang that as of today started to swim in a corner very weird... he started to swim against the glass he has been doing this now for almost 4 hours.. He is dashing from place to place he looks sort of stressed and he has rapid breathing... I have a book that says these sings are of poisoning.. and it asks for a partial change of water... does anybody know what is going on?? I would appreciate the help asap thanks
75+ gallons for Tangs!!!! Sounds stressed too me!

Steffen Sparks

yea you have told me before i know i know but he had lived on a 20 gallon and did extremely fine for 5 months... now he is in the 57 gallon... and he has been there for id say.. almost 1 1/2 month... ha hasnt displayed this ever before..
well we dont know maybe some green star polyps when we were moving some of the corals maybe some of those released the toxins.. but we arent sure :(
By the way I am proud to say my yellow tang is one of the healthiest if not the healthiest yellow tank i have ever seen, wheather it is at a store or somebody elses aquarium, he is fat and has always been healthy.. he is the healthiest fish in my tank.. has always been.. I personally didnt believe at first what you told me Steffen... he has always done fine.. until now.. if he continues I will have to find him a better home I will hate to see him go he is my favorite :(
Stress is the number one killer in fish most of the time. I have nothing to gain in telling you that a tang needs room to swim. I probably would not have sold you one if i knew it was going into a 20. I might sound like a dick about it but at least i am truthful! Thanks

Steffen Sparks
^Steffen you honest dick! lol !

Beto/Max--these are probably the signs of Ich on a tang. They start to swim this way because the parasite is in it's gills. So they dart and scratch where ever they can in order to release the parasite. I would try to get a hospital tank going right away and treat the tang with cupramine or hyposalinity treatment (cupramine results are rather instant). I must tell you that even though she/he appears "fine" when doing the treatment, it must stay in the hospital tank for up to 8 weeks. Ich can stay in a system for up to 8 weeks and then eventually die off or go dormant. Tangs of all kinds are ich magnets!!!!

How is the sail fin tang doing? How are the other fishes doing? Do they have fine, sugary "spots" on them? They look like small specs of sand. If so, then you have an Ich outbreak on your hands. Which can be bad news.
we found the sailfin a better home.. he did really need a new tank... all of the fish are doing great Hans, thanks.

The tank might have ich though you might be right Hans thanks for the good advice :)
how is the battle going guys? Is it Ich? Did you start cupramine/hyposalinity if it is? Or did the tang go to fish heaven? Did you overfeed with garlic (wont help much really but have heard fish regaining health w/garlic).
That's good. Remember Ich can stay dormant for upto 8 weeks. So be careful k. But glad he is doing better.