Yellow Tang / Last Meeting


New member

I won the Yellow Tang during the raffle at our June meeting. Still in Qt and I have not treated with anything. He/she is only eating seaweed and looks good. As far as I can see, no ich, fluke, etc.

Considering dosing Prazipro as a preventative measure. Thoughts?

Also, the water in the bag was very yellow. Why was it yellow? Is that some sort of treatment?

Thanks in advance for your help.
Prazi is always a good measure. The yellow stuff is medication can't remember name off top of my head. Back when I used to QT I'd do hypo and prazi. Some have had good success with copper or chloroquine.
Prazi is always a good measure. The yellow stuff is medication can't remember name off top of my head. Back when I used to QT I'd do hypo and prazi. Some have had good success with copper or chloroquine.

Thanks for the info.

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I won the Yellow Tang during the raffle at our June meeting. Still in Qt and I have not treated with anything. He/she is only eating seaweed and looks good. As far as I can see, no ich, fluke, etc.

Considering dosing Prazipro as a preventative measure. Thoughts?

Also, the water in the bag was very yellow. Why was it yellow? Is that some sort of treatment?

Thanks in advance for your help.

I personally do prazi at least from now on. I had a leopard wrasse in an observation tank for 2+ months with no issues at all, eating great (mainly live food). One day I look over and she's on the sand breathing heavy. I dosed prazi and not too long later she was spasming from the internal parasites built up that were dying in her gills. I realized later leopards are prone to parasites, but either way, I will do prazi at least now on. You really can't see what's going on internally. Observation (when done for long enough) should nearly rule out ich/velvet and infections, but not internal stuff.
Prazi is always a good measure. The yellow stuff is medication can't remember name off top of my head. Back when I used to QT I'd do hypo and prazi. Some have had good success with copper or chloroquine.

I know antibiotics like furan tint the water yellow.
I have the prazipro and cupramine but can't find it in my heart to use it. He just looks so healthy and if anything were to happen to him after medicating, I would feel like I killed him.

Thinking about just keeping him in the QT for a month and if he looks good just introducing to my DT.


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Definitely do prazi. Extremely safe. Cu is great but you need to measure levels and it's more technique sensitive.
Definitely do prazi. Extremely safe. Cu is great but you need to measure levels and it's more technique sensitive.

Dosed the Prazi on the 7th. Thanks for the advice. He seems to be doing great.

After how many days do I begin the second treatment? Also, do I do a water change?


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