You may have already read these, but...

These links are dead bloop.
CNN has a habit of rotating there news stories out of the circle every few hours.
could they have been articles like these?

Deep Sea Corals in Danger

Carribean Corals Suffer Bleaching

or this
Oceans gradually turning into vast 'fizzy drink'

or perhaps this one
Ghostly coral bleachings haunt the world's reefs

The irony is that the very lights and pumps we run on our tanks to grow corals, adds some greenhouse gasses from the generating plants that produce our power. the CO2, adds to global warming and what is absorbed by the ocean reduces the PH and akalinity of the sea. Atmospheric CO2 levels have risen from 270 ppm to 380 ppm over the past two hundred years. and the anual rate of rise is increasing each year. nearly 3 ppm a year now. This in spite of the fact the oceans and biosphere absorb about 40% of the anual global CO2 emmisions.

What can we do?

here's one more article, I'm sad to say. Things are still warming up out there in the ocean, the one near us, that we enjoy so much, the Carribean. It gives us a strange situation, to hope for more hurricanes. On the one hand warmer waters produce bigger storms which will do more damage to the U.S. coastline, but on the other had the huricanes cool the ocean and help the reefs.. which should we root for? Kind of a lose-lose situation.

The two undeniable root causes are exploding global population growth, and rising per capital energy consumption, supplied mostly by burning fossil fuels. The ray of hope is that us reefers, with our imperfect tanks, that run too hot , or too dirty just may be producing coral morphs that can survive harsh conditions. Who knows??? we just may be growing the seed crops for replanting future reefs!!

Keep up the good work, REEFERS !!!
