Youtube vids


Steffen Sparks
i kinda want my tank to look like this
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holy jeez, this guy isnt a reef keeper, hes a genius chemist !!
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Maybe this is a stupid question... but what the heck..... how come there isnt any live rock in the last tank of that last video?
rocks should be for holding corals, but there is still a huge difference is scapes and the scape might determine what your tank will end up looking like also. So still i suggest less a pile of rocks look and less is more. cuz more than likely for us your gonna be able to see the rock for a few years before you achieve that look.
Why you dont add xenia, this video shows it being removed and how it comes back, remember that its not as easy as it sounds
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My old 240g
That was your tank mr.cyrus ? very cool, especially one that focused on a type of coral. so any luck getting it fixed ?
hadnt added my own video, this is the latest in the build series i did for my nano cube
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really need some sps in my life soon
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awe man, been watching these guys vids, kinda funny.
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