Yuma acclimation


Reef Fanatic
I just got a small rock with 2 purple and green yuma's. How should I acclimate them in a 29g JBJ Nano with the stock 105w PC Lighting?

For reference it is basically an 18x18x18 cube and the light is in the hood behind a pane of glass at 2" above the waters surface.

I currently placed them toward the bottom under an eave and out of direct light for the last 2 days.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

i have a couple of yumas including a green / purple one. i just put them straight in in the sand. i and running a pair of photon 16's on my 75g. the yumas looks great! they even seemed to brighten up some in the last couple weeks. i'm no expert on them, but it worked for me. whenever i have new coral that start to bleach under the lights, i put them in the shade for a week and them move them out onto the sand. after another wekk, i move them up the rock face a bit at a time.
Great! I think I'll move them onto the sand bed then. Especially since I don't have LED's and I know CF lighting diminishes more through water than LED's do so there's probably much less par toward the bottom. Thank You!
Just FYI, Personally, I wouldn't call any Yuma mushroom "mine" until its been with me for more than a month. They're very susceptible to just melting on you for no reason early on. I've taken all the precautions, dips, acclimation for light, temp, salinity, iodine dips, and nothing seems to really help them recover.
OK. They seem to be healthy. I have seen them close up a few times but will open right back up again no more than 30min later. Maybe I will wait a few more days before moving them out. Thanks again.