Zack's 120 gallon sps build

Cannot believe I missed this build, looks awesome, looking forward to seeing what you turns the beauty into, great job!!!
Thank you!!

I'll be installing a water change system soon. Tied into the main system. I have all the parts, I should be able to get it up and running now.
Here's a picture for today.

hopefully i'll be going to the fish store this sunday if time permits (2 hours away) i'll be grabbing some fish for the tank. I'll let you guysknow how that goes. I just have 2 clowns in there right now.

unfortunately in the temporary waiting tank, the sps corals took a beating and i lost a lot of corals. some of them are in ruff shape. hopefully now that they're in a system with the original rock and a protein skimmer they'll bounce back
Nice!! The reef is re born!
Good luck on your shopping spree.
It's always tough on corals when they go through that..
Where do go 2 hours away?
Nice work. Whish I had the proper space for a tank like that and fish room

Time to move my friend. And thank you for the kind words

Ha! The border run! Do they ever stop to check you out at customs?

They do, but Canadian law states that importation of fish does not require a permit if it's for aquarium use. Corals are tricky since the law actually states "aquatic animal" meaning more than just fish, but I tend to avoid the coral.
It's always nerve racking though.

tank looks great! good work.

i'm curious to what size glass miracles used for your tank? looks thicker then 1/2"?

Thank you, Derek wouldn't go any thinner than 3/4"

On another note. I'll be working on my easy water change system soon. So I'll talk any that later. It will be hard plumbed right into the system