Zacktoserones Sps redo build

Stand looks killer.
You can put a pice of base molding around the bottom to finish it off fill any gaps with silicone

I made sure every piece was 1/2" off the floor. That way i cab still get under it and it looks almost like it floats. I feel like base molding will take away from the look
Love that slate.
Really nice.
Looks fantastic. With a full colorful reef going in there, it's going to be gorgeous.
man i want to have a room for my sump and everything too... :bigeyes:

maybe in the next appartment / house

love the setup!! can´t wait to see it flooded!!

thank you for all of the kind words!!

This is going to be a stunning build! Well it already is :D

What did you end up doing about the uneven floor??

i shimmed the stand until it was level (1" off the floor on one side! crazy) after the stand was leveled i applied the stone FROM THE TOP to the bottom, using screws to hold it in as we got farther down. you're supposed to start from the ground up. i did this so i can decide how i was going to place the stone when i got to them bottom. because of the nature of the stone i just cut each piece 1/2" off the floor, and presto!!! it looks like the hole thing is level! and you can't tell. i used a this piece of trim on the top to hide any unevenness.
Time for a semi update. Things have been super crazy at work but I finally have time to work on my tank. I'm hoping to have everything done this weekend to the point of just having to add water. I have a big delivery coming in today with all of the rock and sand. The only thing left with the sump is to glue the dock holder in. Then we're in buisiness!!!!
HOPEFULLY I'm done the plumbing. I put in 20 hours of plumbing over the week. I'm going to leak test it tonight. All I have to do is install any flexible tubing and then we're in buisiness. I'm really hopeing that there is no leaking. The only thing I'm really worried about is any threaded joints so we will see what happens. I'll post a video if there are top many things to go over