Zacktoserones Sps redo build

Long awaited

Long awaited

Plumbing done lol

Water testing

This sucker leaked so many times. I tapped it with pink, white, two times, 10 times, 5 times, 2 wrench turns, hand tightened.... I spoke to melev and he suggested 6 wraps, and oatay liquid teflon.... I then gave it 1.5 turns with the wrench after hand tightening and no leaks so far lol

Long awaited 2

Long awaited 2

Marco rock, about half of it 225lbs in total


We ues driveway markers, the yellow ones from home depot. I think I read 50 forms that said It was fine. We used very little anyway. Just for the arch, everything else was epoxied

Finished product

We only used half of the rock. So I'll be keeping some spares, making stone rubble And selling the rest.

And the pain has started

8 hours of progress

Looks awesome so far. Dig that stone!
Which strips did you go with? Reefbrite? They look made for that fixture.
Looks awesome so far. Dig that stone!
Which strips did you go with? Reefbrite? They look made for that fixture.

Yeah I went with reef brite they go well for sure.

The stone took a long tone to put on slate stack stone by avenzo. Pl premium for the win
One single metal halide lol. So bright!!

I've added the sand as you can see and the salt. As well as heaters in the sump and powerheads

I'll be working on the equipment side next