i hate my 40Breeder tank right now. it looks like ****, with the hair algae growing, bryopsis growing, red bugs multiplying, and aptasia taking over. i've been doing Tech M dosing 7oz everyday for the last week to kill off my bryopsis, but i tend to keep dosing until i feel it wont ever come back again.. (which means i'll dose until im about 44years old)..
so i decided today i was going to take care of one of my other problems i have down on the list.. which is my aptasia problem.
i went into my local fish store today, to buy some kalk so i can make a paste and kill my aptasia. but i first asked a knowledgeable worker that i know there what i should use to kill my tank full of aptasia... i told him that i wanted to do the kalk paste, and he said it's a waste of time, and doesn't work well.. he told me peppermint shirmp will do the job easily! he suggested to me 3 shirmp for my 40breeder. i bought them, so i wonder how well this will work out.
my ghost shrimp lol all ****ed off looking
i also wanted to finally tackle this hair algae problem i'm having... he said, he had the same problem couple years ago, and nothing was working for him to kill this hair algae.. he told me turbo snails work, but wont eliminate the hair algae completely. he said, the ONLY thing that worked for him, was Brightwell Marine Phosphat-E. he said he dosed this stuff everyday for 2 weeks, and hes been hair algae free. so i'm going to give this a shot to and see how well this works.
i took some pictures of what my tank looks like currently, before i did any dosing. and i will follow up on this for the next 2 weeks with photos to see how well this works for me.
Thanks guys