zoa/paly chart

is there anywhere or anyone who has a chart of some sort that list by names wither a certain morph is either a zoa or a paly?
I just cant seem to keep zoas alive so I want to try and avoid buying them for now and some listing don't specify wither its a paly or zoa.
I understand that. I was wondering if there was a list somewhere someone put together that says
sunny d = zoa
rasta= zoa

agaves= paly

something like this.. a lot of polyps that are bought and sold are just put with the name zoa. im trying to avoid zoas since they slowly die in my tank..
I think Palys are physically bigger than zoas, but I could be wrong. Most of the paly's I've seen and have had were quite a bit bigger than the zoas.

Doesn't really help in ID, but just my experiences.