ZoaID.com idea - feedback?

normally, and soon again, the photographer's name shows up next to the image. it's a pretty safe bet that that is a source for the zoa yer after! (not always of course...)

but i'm experiencing some difficulty w/ the photo attributes atm.

on a side note: i think i'm just gonna have to kludge some code in myself to get the attributes to work how i think they'd work best for this site. that info should be up shortly! it's not lost, just not displayed atm! :)
No worries. I hope to be able to ship next week. I have a lot of requests, but might keep most of them local.

Just call me jolly ole saint nick! Is there anything else I'm sending you?:lol: Seriously, I'd trade with you bud.

Stop slacking and GET TO WORK!:lmao:
Off the Subject

Off the Subject

This might be off the subject, but I have a wish list too. ZoaID is starting to become the place to go for zoo names. The problem is that the gallery is pretty small. I have about 20 different morphs of zoas and only about five of them are named on ZoaID. It would be cool if people could submit their photos and there could be a place to post possible names. Then have a poll to select a name. I would like to not only see the photos listed by the most accepted name, but also a list of other names the morph goes by. I would also like to see a search engine filter by name, color, type, etc...

Great site, I really appreciate the hard work that has gone into it.


Re: Off the Subject

Re: Off the Subject

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6250184#post6250184 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Mrdillpickle
It would be cool if people could submit their photos and there could be a place to post possible names.

currently the mechanism to submit new zoas takes you to one of my other site's contact form. the ZoaID.com contact form tailered to it's needs will be done very shortly. still form based, but has entries for each thing we need in order to list it on ZoaID. i.e. lights used in the shot, photographer name, location of Zoa origin, etc..

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6250184#post6250184 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Mrdillpickle
Then have a poll to select a name.

i might be inclined to shy away from that one and let users create/participate in such polls on RC. thoughts?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6250184#post6250184 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Mrdillpickle
I would like to not only see the photos listed by the most accepted name, but also a list of other names the morph goes by.

although you wouldn't know it atm due to the attributes issues, this is in place already! :D i currently have three 'aka' in place for zoas that that issue arises on. for instance, 'red wine' has an 'aka1' of 'ruby red'. or is it the other way around... ha! but you get the idea. and normally it will show the 'aka' names beneath the pic. there are some issues w/ this... i.e. if someone today comes up w/ an AKA name for PPE (besides purple paly #3 or whatever blane had listed it as prior to the name PPE), i doubt we'd add 'purple soul' as an aka name, ya know? thoughts?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6250184#post6250184 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Mrdillpickle
I would also like to see a search engine filter by name, color, type, etc...

certainly doable. the fundamentals for the search are there, but not implemented for the end user yet. currently, you can search by name, aka, photographer, original namer, basically any attribute assigned to the zoa. i haven't entered in information such as type and color(s) though... but could!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6250184#post6250184 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Mrdillpickle
Great site, I really appreciate the hard work that has gone into it.

ty - and ty for the great feedback! :D hit me back w/ whatcha think after reading my reply!
It really is a novel idea. ZoaID has come a long way, it would only seem like a natural progression to put people into contact who want and have these beautiful color morphs!

Case in point...I have a few of these colors, and want the ones I don't have!

I would be careful how you layout your site. It seems like people will start using it as a zoa photobook which will quickly run up your required site space. It sounds like you are heading into a big venture here where you will become something similar to zoosrus.com.

Once you start this trading/selling section you will eventually get requests for a seller/trader feedback section. Then you will be asked to create a how to on thermos trades.

I need some practice in Macromedia flash so......I may be able to make some simple Flash banners. Then if you like them I'll work on a homepage intro with navigation buttons.

Just let me know!
heya ficklefins! thx for the reply.

the intention of ZoaID.com was to create a central location for named zoa's (both currently named and named in the future) and to showcase them. the only area i've been 'strict' on is requesting some shots to be retaken and i also tack on a list of hints as to how to get a non-blurry shot. (in attempt to keep all shots on ZoaID.com very nice! no d-slr required, but i'm avoiding the whole 'blurry bigfoot' shot. is that a zoa? or is it bigfoot? focus! heh!)

other than that, i encourage shots of the same zoa and will gladly add it to the site! a good example is the 'Alien Eye' zoanthid up on the site or the 'Mean Greens'. we've got the same zoa shot in several different tanks, several different lights, and you can see the outcomes! :D

but i don't intend to open it up to personal galleries and such.

i'm also definetly not competing w/ RC, zoosrus, frags.org, etc.. i'd like to think that i'm complimenting them! :D

i saw a gap (no central location for named zoas), and filled it. but as for things that can and are already fulfilled on other sites, i'm simply linking to them and sending traffic that way.

for example, on the FAQ, one question is: where do you talk about zoas? my answer in nutshell is: RC or zoosrus

extending that logic, i'm not going to create a trading mechanism or rating mechanism as:
a) they're already done on a number of sites
b) the headache of moderating such a venture LOL

but i know that a lot of us are collectors. i know i am too! hence rolling w/ the current idea of 'got it, got it, want it, got it' type of scenario.

the pedigree thing isn't for hype: well, that's not the TRUE PPE....

it's to see how well we can get zoas out to everyone graphically. i'm still searching for a nifty solution. i've been checking out ancestry pages and such, and they're ok... i was really hoping for something that would 'star' out rather than 'ladder' out.

i.e. here's a ladder, which is nifty...
http://www.maryrose.org/explore/captain/family tree.gif

but i personally think this is way cooler:

imagine seeing something like that after like 2 years worth of trading. i think it'll be simply amazing!!

btw: if anyone knows of a database driven solution (preferably php/mysql), please PM me! :D

i've come across a few for the 'family tree' style that would work, but i'm moreso seeking that star patterned style.

maybe some day the trade pattern would look like this, lol!

macromedia navigation offer: ty very much!!!! :D the site is actually going through some changes as we speak (hence part of it purple/black and part black/white. but i'll hitcha up in a short while. again, ty!

whatcha think of all that ficklefins? be honest, you won't offend me ;) i really do like the feedback!
Wow, that "star out" one makes me dizzy to look at :lol:

I like the idea of the "family tree" be it the star out thing or the ladder.
-Who dah,

I had the wrong idea of where you were going with the trading thing. You are going to add on a function to your current section. Members will creat profiles where they will have a want, and own section pointing to the zoas from the gallery. I think that is a good idea as long the website can keep up with the required pics.

In terms of trying to battle the whole that isn't the real version of ... That seems like a tough area, but it looks like you have brainstormed things a bit. I'll buy a ticket out to CA and we'll talk this over some more. :D I'm gonna need sometime to think this one through. I like your idea and it may be worth a try. Time to put on the thinking cap :strooper:

I'll see if I have enough time this week to put together a small banner for yah.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6270610#post6270610 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by tibbs2
For locations you could use google earth.....

cool idea!
You could probably get several online retailers to sponsor you, and hyperlink to their sites if they have a particular Zoanthid.

It would also be nice for retailers (like me) to be able to go to one place and figure out what zoa is being called what. I can never keep up with the names.
Great ideas everyone, i would love to see the site with the modifications. Also I am a big fan of skipping the shipping fee, so if it would be possible to have a section on where the zoos are located that would be real helpful.
oops - forgot some replies:

robwsup - interesting ideas... i'll keep those in mind, and thanks! and good point, i'd imagine it's just as helpful to vendors as it is to purchasers for name-based identification!

cmondo - hrm... another interesting idea! it wouldn't be that hard to add an additional and optional 'location' field for the users to fill out... thx!

jeffrey_ropp - ty, sir! :D just visit that 'contact us' link and there's a form to fill out (if you don't have my email addy already - and that goes for everyone else too! :D ) i forgot to hitcha back w/ the PM :( , just replied now though! :)