Who Dah - Wow, I was just introducted to this site and it is so awesome! At first I thought the business of defining a Zoa morph would be rather sketchy due to lighting, photography differences, ect., but the comparison of 'armor of god' and 'armageddon' goes to show how truely cool the site is. I've got a few zoas in my tank that I don't see anything like on the site, and I can't wait to photo them to see.
I know your site is a work in progress. Since you're using php, I'll assume you've got some kind of database running behind it. I'm a web app developer (KiLlEr CoDInG NinJa MoNkEy) and my brain is a buzzin with features you could implement on the site. Its probably all stuff you've though of, like color catagories so people can search. I've seen others ideas on attempting to capture the supply vs. demand status of the zoas, and that is a reallly cool idea too, though I'd have to ponder on the best way to implement it.
At any rate, WONDERFUL SITE! Let me know if you ever need anyone to help work on it.