Zoanthid & Palythoa Photographs/Tanks/Videos

not nearly as crazy as some of the ones here but, here is my 8 month old tank
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14566531#post14566531 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by phurst

I believe this zoanthid has sponge between its polyps and this should be brushed away gently, or removed via toothpick perhaps. At the very least, keep an eye on it.
It's funny looking, but that's the mat. It was irritated because I took a razor blade to the front glass right before the pics were taken.
Quote from my local board on RC:

I don't have any really recent pics, but I'll post a few of when I was setting my tank up. I actually did a bit of remodeling in my house to fit a tank, I moved a wall to make room for a sump closet. So my DT is plumbed through a wall to the sump.

Here's the location for the tank after the remodel.


I decided to try something new (to me) with my overflow & return, and instead of blocking off the tank from top to bottom for an overflow I just did a 45* piece of plexi.


My return is a figure 8 along the top of the tank, with two outlets. I'm sure I'm losing a ton of flow because of all the bends in it, but I have two Tunze nanostream 6025s to make up for it.


Here is the tank in place, 11/17/07 from the date on the picture.

111707-tank on stand.jpg

And my first shot with aquascaping on 11/19/07. I have kept it pretty similar since then.

tank and rock.jpg

For some reason I don't have any pictures of my canopy or sump room with me, they're probably on my real camera and not my phone. I hung my canopy from the ceiling on a bicycle hoist. Here are the few FTS shots I have though, they're after lights-out with a flash, around the one-year mark of the tank. Sorry about the dirty glass.

Left side




Right side

There are some extremely nice tanks in this thread. Great job people.

Here's my 55 zoa tank.




And a quick shot of the nano under my care.
