Zoanthids are they toxic?

I thought i would share my story with zoas,
yesterday i was fraggin a purple paly and even though i ALREADY know that they are toxic i was in a rush and being stupid, One of the palys burst and squirted a good amount of liquid in my eyes and face, With in minutes my vision went all funny and i started to feel really wierd, i tried to relax and after a few hours it went away, Today when i woke up my left eye is EXTREMELY red , completley bloodshot. Im not sure if i should go to the doctor or not , i will go if it is not getting better by tomorrow
It's chemical conjunctivitis basicly pink eye that's from a toxin. Go to your Dr and get some meds for the infection. That's not a palytoxin issue it is common with other coral as well, Esp mushrooms.
I can remember the day this was posted, read it slowly everyone. Please, when handling or fragging, wear eye protection and gloves to protect any cuts on your hands, arms and cuticles. Protect your mucus membrane and stay safe, for it's better to be safe than sorry, whether you believe this thread or not.

Mucho Reef
Bump- I know this is an old thread, but we can never emphesize safty enough. When I read the dog died it brought tears to my eyes. I have 4 and love them all like children. Thank you for the warning, it may save someones life, pet or person.