Zoas eating bristle worms?


New member
Yesterday, I saw the strangest thing twice. I saw a Paly and AOG Zoa closed around and eating small bristle worms. It was weird because half of the bristle worm was sticking out of the closed polyps. However, slowly they ate the whole things. I wish I had snapped a pic. Anyone ever see anything similar?
I had either a shroom eat a bristleworm, or a bristleworm crawl into a shroom but never any zoas. I did manage to get a couple decent pictures.


I wonder if the bristle worm wasn't plundering food from the gut of the corals? I've seen them do this with my freshly fed acans. They always pull out and never get eaten themselves.
These guys got eaten. No doubt. Weird. The polyps are still happily existing so I know the worms weren't eating them.