Zoas/Palys worth it?


New member
As someone who is relatively new to the hobby (been in it for about a year, but just now figuring out what I don't know), I'm still trying to figure out what I want to do with my tank as far as corals go. So I've been researching quite a bit on soft corals and zoas/palys, and of course I stumbled across all the threads on palytoxins today. So I have to ask, are these corals worth the hassle for a rookie, or should I just stick with less dangerous species?
Going outside is dangerous....

I haven't been keeping corals for long but if you wash your hands, don't touch moist tissues (eyes, mouth, nose) until you've washed up you "should" be good to go unless you're really sensitive to the toxins.

I find my z/p's very interesting, the color, the movement, looking for babies splitting off :)
Going outside is dangerous....

I haven't been keeping corals for long but if you wash your hands, don't touch moist tissues (eyes, mouth, nose) until you've washed up you "should" be good to go unless you're really sensitive to the toxins.

I find my z/p's very interesting, the color, the movement, looking for babies splitting off :)

I already have some in my tank and haven't had a problem so far, but this was one of those "you don't know what you don't know" things until I really starting reading some of these threads this week.

I also wasn't sure if this toxin was something that could crash my tank either.
Thanks guys, this is great info.

I'll be in the market for some nice zoas this weekend, if the LFS has anything. I need to fill in some gaps in the rock work.
Defiantly worth having IMO but wear gloves and glasses when fragging. Although I personally have never had any problems with them, every person is individually different and can tolerate the palytoxin differently.
i had the same problem as you about 6 months ago and if you just wash your hands after you handle them you should be fine. i now have many zoas and just keep buying more.
You should use good infection control no matter what you are handleing. Lot's of bacteria in that water! I have gotten stung by my Bubble Coral. That DID hurt!
totally worth it

totally worth it

Zoas and palys are typically very hardy, in my experience. They grow quickly relative to other corals, and, IMO, are a good starter coral. They are a good barometer for your water quality too. If they are surviving and multiplying, and your water quality tests are coming up clean, than you can try a softy or lps. Thats what I've told friends and it has worked for them.