Zoo Dip

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14868531#post14868531 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by 650-IS350
I use TMPCC heavily. I've heard that its good to knock off redbugs, FW and nudi's off the corals while being dipped. then you just use a turkey baster to blow them off. Its faster killer IMO compared to Kent in regards to pods and ampipods. But I'm going to give REVIVE a try.



If its strong enogh for AEFW, then you can figure its harsh enough to kill/knock off Nudis and not to bad to do permanent harm to the coral. I personally ordered 3 bottle of revive but will use that in conjunction with TMPCC.

I personally wouldn't dip grandis either... they just melt. Some PE's/True Palythoa's also is a risk.

I typically use TMPCC as well for my dips. But i ran out of it and picked up some Revive. I was dipping for AEFW at the time, but also some new zoas brought in zoapox so i was dipping all my SPS and zoas. Long story short, i dipped the zoas in Revive to ensure no AEFW then did the Furan2 dip. Zoas looked great immediately after the dip. I think it is much less harsh on the corals than TMPCC and iodine for that matter. And let me tell you this stuff kills pods, brittle stars, and FW faster than anything else i've tried. Smells like pinesol too! :lol: I definately recommend it.
impur & 650,

I currently dip all new arrivals in TMPCC followed by Revive before moving them to QT (4 weeks). While in QT, they get Flatworm Exit after a week just in case. I also use Interceptor while in QT. The 4 weeks give me time to observe and attempt to catch anything I might have missed, eggs may be missed and hatch in QT and then I treat from there. I am comtemplating adding MUCHO'S dip as a last step before going into the display.

Thanks for the excellent links. This has been a very helpful thread for many I'm sure, including myself.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14868746#post14868746 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by 650-IS350
Smells like pinesol too! I definately recommend it

That's what I'm hearing from a lot of friends..

Which one? The Revive, TMPCC, or Furan-2?
IMO- you can use them inconjuntion with the other.

Melv's write up shows he does 2 dips TMPCC and Revive. Some even dose the dip with interceptor as well ( redbugs ) and FWE (for flatworms) I guess you can't be to lax about it especially if one doesn't have a QT. I just don't know how much stress that puts on the specific coral with all these put together.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14868925#post14868925 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by 650-IS350
IMO- you can use them inconjuntion with the other.

I just don't know how much stress that puts on the specific coral with all these put together.

I wonder the same thing. That is why I try to spread them out a bit. I have not read Melv's write up in detail yet but I will as I'm always looking to learn from others experiences / opinions.
TMPCC seems to be harsher on acros IME. A double dosage dip in TMPCC really browns out the acros i've dipped while a dip in Revive at 1.5X recommended dosage doesn't seem to stress them at all. I know this isn't regarding zoas but since we are on the subject of dipping....YMMV.
can you use the same water for dipping a lot? for example just finish dipping one and can i put a diffrent rock in or do i have to get new water?
Just finished trying to clear up what appears to be zoos with infection as well as finding a nudi!

Thanks for your input MUCHO REEF!

People like me look for your advice. There is a lot of aneqdotal evidence provided. Your experience as well as those who add theirs are a comfort to me. Anyone seems willing to sell you anything (most with good intention, I believe) if they heard it worked for them. Your numbers of trials and success are what I appreciate!

Thanks My Friend!!!!

I'll add me results in a week or so........................
I'm planning on a zoa garden. Tank is ready. Just getting the materials needed, and I'm working on what I need for dips. If I do a freshwater dip with TMPCC will that kill all of the zoa pests I need to worry about?
How long will this dipping brew last? if say i make some to dip for tomorrow, can I save it for next week? or longer?
TMPCC seems to be harsher on acros IME. A double dosage dip in TMPCC really browns out the acros i've dipped while a dip in Revive at 1.5X recommended dosage doesn't seem to stress them at all. I know this isn't regarding zoas but since we are on the subject of dipping....YMMV.

be cautious when dipping smooth skinned sps in revive. I've seen some brown out and die. They're very sensitive.
be cautious when dipping smooth skinned sps in revive. I've seen some brown out and die. They're very sensitive.

Not to turn this into a SPS dipping conversation, but I have the exact results as the previous person (opposite of yours). I used TMPCC for years and on average lost 10-15% of the frags (especially acros) and probably at least 25-50% of the acros browned out or bleached out. On the other hand, I can't recall a single loss from the last year or two I've been using revive. I actually get a really odd feeding response from many LPS. I've accidentally left frags in for an hour or two at 2x dose without issues.

IMO, revive is MUCH safer than TMPCC and just as (if not more) effective.
fw dip with iodine for 5 minutes swirling it around and use a turkey blaster to blow stuff off, i have never ended up with sundials or nudi's
I am in the process of of setting up my next tank....

I want to try and do everything right, including setting up two seperate qt tanks for both fish and coral.

I dipped a few zoa frags in the past with the FW + lugols method. I never lost one due to the dip but it has occurred to me that I have been doing it wrong.

this may seem rudimentary but how does one match theph of RO water to the tank water? baking soda? if so how much?

Honestly, up until this point in the hobby I never really worry about being a very concerned with testing. I test for nitrogen cycle progress but mainly have been fish only with love rock up until this point with the inclusion of some softies.

i find my holding system has been successful with just regular 25% waterchanges. I match temperature of the fresh saltwater and thats it (and that is ballpark temp). Testing for ph is one of those things i did in my old FW planted tank but more in correlation for co2 levels.

I thought RO water, having no buffers, should sit around 7.0ph depending on environment (new tight home has higher indoor co2 level than and older drafty home).

Would aeration alone raise the ph enough for these dips? pardon my ignorance.