★ Star Wars ★ Parody (Algae Wars) Time Lapse / Photo Edit / VIDEO MOVIE (on YouTube)


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★ Star Wars ★ Parody (Algae Wars) Time Lapse / Photo Edit / VIDEO MOVIE (on YouTube)

★ Star Wars ★ Parody (Algae Wars) Time Lapse / Photo Edit / VIDEO MOVIE (on YouTube)

This is a project I started, and my son got involved with.

We made a Star Wars Parody Movie called "Algae Wars".

It started as a Algae Battle Experiment to place Algae covered rocks in a experimental tank and film time lapse photos to observe which critters did best.

Details of that experiment are in the thread.

Idea's kept flowing after seeing the SeaHare in Time Lapse which looked like Jabba the Hut, and it became a video rendered movie (using many aquariums as sets, and various Lego, and equipment).

Goal was to make this educational, fun, and an inspiration for others to get interested in Aqurium Hobby which has many hobbies within (ie Chemistry, Electronics ,Automation, Life, Biology, and Photography/Video...)

Here is Chapter 1 of 4, on



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Alage Wars- EPISODE 2 (STARTED) Teaser Trailer to be released very shortly

Wow, after a year my brain has gotten rusty.
But after some review of material, I'm organized again.

Editing has started.

Small Sample Teaser to be released in a day or two to prove this is not Another Movie Production Delay.


This Episode with take place on Central Command, Copepodius, Frag Rock. The Weapon will be revealed, and it will be FIRED!!

Will the Rebels and Corals be destroyed? Tune in and find out.
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This is epic! Greatly appreciate this as a Star Wars fan! Great job guys!

Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk

Glad you enjoyed Episode 1 Movie. I guess you were not part of the audience last year when Episode 1 came out on YOuTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycQ9YPuAaVk

This post was just the movie release, the lead up and making of is in this thread. http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2546250

Explains why the movie was made. (My Tank when Algae Nuts, and a personal battle started). The clips were all shot in my tank setups.

I am working everyday, on Eposide 2 (a year after the making of Episode1). Will be done very soon, (as soon as this weekend, if all goes well).

4 Episodes in all for the Complete SAGA.
ALGAE WARS (Episode-2) Update: (1 more scene to go)

Working day and night (since off from work).

1 more scene to go, and then title pages, rendering begins.

It will be worth the wait, since this Episode is turning out much more/better than I hoped for. Way more than Episode 1 on content.

Something for Holiday break viewing.

So I finished all the Frames. The plots pieces are done.

Now it's time to Order things and Render the Video.

Figure I need another day or so for this bit of work.

Guaranteed it will out Christmas Eve Day.
ALAGE WARS - Episode 2 (INTRO) Published on You Tube

Just running a test to ensure Graphics Rendering/Publishing is properly working.

At this point testing the Intro.

Everyone is welcome to see it.


Don't expect much since the Real Movie will be published as COMPLETE.

Also sampling to see how much of a Audience we have. More viewers, more motivation to speed up completion. Target is still by the weekend.

I didn't get any sound out of the first one
Yeah, maybe I should have put a notice that it's a Cartoon Comic Book type movie. THE MOVIE HAS NO SOUND. Sorry.

It was hard enough doing all the hand drawing computer graphics, photo shoots, sets. Took many Many hours. I would love sound, but to do that I would want quality to not ruin the movie. Wish I had time, but I don't. Almost a year to do two episodes. 2 more episodes to go.

This is Hobby spare time work. Hope everyone understands.

A simple solution would be just to add background music.
But Comic Book should be good enough.
it was still really cool... just didn't know if youtube gave you the copyright speech

They didn't.
I didn't use any copyright Material, graphics. It's all my own photo's, lego toys, and sets. The plot is my own making. The Word Star wars is the only thing I used that may be copyright, but a Parody is fine. Even the Character names (ie R2D2) should be fine (but you never know). It's all in good taste and faith.
ALAGE WARS (Episode 2) *RENDERED* [Uploading to YouTube]

It's done.

Uploading into YouTube.

Not as perfect as I would like, but need to enjoy last few days of Holiday Break.

Exactly 20 minutes long.

Will publish today.

The Real World (A New Hope) Restarting Algae Toonie

So if you watched the Ending of Episode 2, that Algae Situation was a Real Thing that happened in my Office tank.

Over the last year, I've been taking all lessons learned and planning for a Fresh New Office Tank Restart.

(Same old rocks, Algae Free) and a whole new set of SPS Corals (The best I could find).

New Sump, New Algae Scrubber, better Circulation and lighting.

That start begins 2017, which is not far away.

This is Algae Toonie Dec 2016. With a new start beginning 2017 at the stroke of midnight tonight.


The rack of SPS Frags at the back will be placed Early next week and I'll be starting a new Tank Thread.
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★ ALGAE WARS - Episode 2 (The Weapon) ★ PUBLISHED ON YOU TUBE !!

★ ALGAE WARS - Episode 2 (The Weapon) ★ PUBLISHED ON YOU TUBE !!

I forgot to post the URL to the new Movie. Here is it. (I posted in othe thread, but someone missed here). Movie is published on YouTube.

★ ALGAE WARS - Episode 2 (The Weapon) ★ PUBLISHED ON YOU TUBE !!

Finally Eh?

Sorry for the delays, it was a lot of work this time.

Here are both Episodes of Algae WARS for your viewing enjoyment.

ALGAE WARS - Episode-1 (The Plan)



ALGAE WARS - Episode-2 (The Weapon) ** NEW **




A sneak peak of Episodes 3/4 coming shortly. There may be only one more Episode.

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