I would use light tubes on tanks this big. On my old 1200 gallon reef, which was 36" deep, I ran 400 and 1000 watt metal halides.
Humidity, and temps are the biggest issues.
I would not attempt to fit a tank this size in a typical home room.
A better bet is to build a room for the tank, seperate from the rest of the homes HVAC system. Cool or heat this room as needed ( most likely cool)
Vent the room at a minimum.
Again, I have seem homes and building destroyed by the evaporation, Salt creep, etc
The cost of running a tank this large is much greater than most would ever imagine.
Water changes, not just buying salt, but your water and sewer bill, RO unit maintinance, Heck, just stocking the tank will be very costly, as will feeding, calcium and buffer supplements, etc.....
Not too mention the thousands of pounds of sand needed, Live rock, etc..
Heck a mag scraper for the front glass can cost over $100. Or just buy a wetsuit and a scraper Like I did!