1 free (?) used protein skimmer to a NORA/TRAC member

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6923184#post6923184 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bigbenji
Ok, different skimmer altogether. My guess is that yours looks something like this, which costs $130 online. $150 for this skimmer locally really isn't that bad. The next skimmer up the line (the 250) sells for $170 from this vendor. If yours is the 250 you found a great deal locally.:beer:


Thats the same skimmer that I have FS right now :) They work really well if you keep them clean.
I mean you need to keep the air tube fitting clean. If not it clogs up with salt residue and stops skimming.
Oh and stop blowing things or people are going to start to wonder about you :p
The minis look pretty sweet but from the people I talked to that use a mini said they didn't work as good as they thought. I myself, from seeing the mini's skimmate shot would rather have a css. I get some killer skimmate now that I did a few mods on it.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6926010#post6926010 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Andrew
The minis look pretty sweet but from the people I talked to that use a mini said they didn't work as good as they thought.

Well Gary's (ohioreefer) Mini G sure does seem to pull the crap. What "mods" did you do on the coralife?
I slowed down the pump so it always dry skims and cut the line short and put on a new air line. Sure did help alot. The water level inside of the skimmer is very hard to get set with the nob on it.
Yes, I am very pleased with my Mini. It pulls some pretty nasty stinky crap out of the tank. It took me a couple of days to get the discharge tube to the right height, but since then she's been one skimming fool!! :)
The CSS pulls pretty dark skimmate but not alot of it. This is from more then a day:

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6927904#post6927904 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Andrew
The CSS pulls pretty dark skimmate but not alot of it. This is from more then a day:

Thats nothing. Check out what I got just this week with the Top Fathom.