100 Gallon H. Erectus, Seagrass, Macro Algae Lagoon

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12922014#post12922014 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by dzeadow
I realize this thread seems to have been dead a while but I thought I'd ask a question. We know that green macro algae is green and blocks green light but absorbs red/blue right? Well, since your tank has a lot of great growing red macros, do you use any different lighting to promote this or is a 6500k bulb just fine for red as well as green or purple or blue or whatever it is we want to keep? I just didn't know if a bulb that was closer to a blue/green or something would be better for reds or not?

I would assume that the photosythesis occuring in both the red and green macro algaes uses the same light wavelengths.

Based on my experience, having a broad light spectrum does not help too much with macros. Most all macros/seagrasses respond the best and have larger growth rates when using more 6500k bulbs.
I thoroughly enjoy this setup as well. My only objection would be how chaotic it appears. And perhaps that's exactly the way you want it to look in which case I say awesome. But I often think that you could get a very "zen" like appearance going. Pruning macros back and trying to coax them into growing specific shapes and directions. There are so many colors and dominating species that you could really shape a garden out of that 100 gallons.
Does this help with keeping nutrients low ? a

Sort of. If you have some macros, they'll consume nutrients and help keep the levels low. But when you have this many macros, you actually need to *dose* nutrients (even phosphate!) to keep the macros supplied. If you run the nutrients too low or out of balance then microalgaes take hold as the macroalgaes slow their growth.