Ive had a bunch of people message me, wanting to see photos of other parts of the house. I was going to wait till the space is a bit more complete but I grabbed a few additional photos. Ill get some more at the end of the day and post pictures. Not much to see right now - we are in the final 45 days of construction hopefully to get all the loose ends wrapped up.
Here is our main hallway. We have my wine cellar at the end of the hallway. The entire hallway will be covered in wainscot- the arches will have columns with trim.
This is my movie theater. Black paneling. The walls will be black. The carpet will be black. But I have red seats on order. I plan on sitting in the seats and watching many a good movies here:
Another view of the theater
This is my wifes closet. Yes, its two stories. We were doing framing and had some empty space behind the closet. Decided to frame it up and add a second story. She loves her closet. The photo does not show the complete closet here. The moulding and trim work is already in place. Ill snap a photo of that later: