1000 Gallon Build- Here we go- Lots of Pictures

Just pump some shower scrubbers through the pipes periodically. Have a tee and a valve on the bull of the tee to pull it out when it gets to the pump. We do this on a much different scale in the natural gas industry. It's called "pigging a pipe".
If you got real intersted, you could pipe in a "pig" catcher (shower scrubber catcher).
(The wire bristled cleaning missile (pig) we send through the pipe squeels like a pig when it goes through at almost super sonic speeds)
Congrats so far, nice house and build.

Thanks Delmo. Ill deal with the potentially clogged PVC in about 20 years - or let the next homeowner deal with it. :cool:

Beautiful build; house and tank. I wish you the best.

thank you Dan. appreciate the well wishes.

Daniel. :wildone:

amazing build!

Thank you!

To all- amazing progress going on at the house. The hallway wainscot is almost complete- probably by the end of tomorrow if not sooner. Flooring is going in next and other than some minor clean up and touch up stuff, we are heading close to the home stretch. Stucco is all complete outside and the roof tiles will be done by next Wednesday.

They still have some lighting to put in, some carpets in a couple of the rooms, appliances and fixtures in the bathrooms, but really I figure by the end of july all the hard work will be complete and that will give them the month of August to do any final adjustments.

Thanks all for allowing me to share our home. Im really waiting for a bit of clean up to be done before I do another major photo update. Probably over the weekend will be a good time to reshow the house.
Ill do my best Dave. Just want the place to be a bit cleaner so I can get some really good photos. Im especially excited to show you guys my bar. Its friggin awesome! :)
I keep getting requests for photos. Here is a quick driveby. Roof goes on monday so Ill post more next week but stucco is almost complete. Scaffolding should be coming down today or tomorrow:

Here is a panoramic view of the front of the house. Once the scaffolding and fencing comes down, Ill have to grab a better shot thats not as distorted:

A close up of the guys at work finishing up the stucco:

Another view down the side of the house:

Hallway wainscot complete. Just waiting on flooring:

Getting ready to put the beams up in the great room:

Im blown away by the interest in the home. I thought it would be boring till Im able to get more tank stuff up- but until I get my filtration delivered and set up, the house pictures will have to suffice. Thanks all.
1000 Gallon Build- Here we go- Lots of Pictures

Garden sheds?! More like card board boxes for homes!

Your house is more like a palace!!
We appreciate the pics. Some builders think no one wants to see the process. Just the before and after. Half the fun is in the buildup. How many home/car/garden shows just have before and after shots? Like those shows, people want to see the process almost more than the payoff. It gives the people living vicariously through this stuff a feeling of accomplishment to see the hard work done by people we want to see succeed.

If you ever have a moment when you don't know what to show us, just walk around and take some random pictures of stuff. We'll eat it up.. Doesn't matter at all if you've taken the time to clean up the mess. [That's called evidence of work.] :eek2:
[Just don't forget the glamour shots at the end too.]:celeb1:

Daniel. :wildone:
How could it be boring? Your home makes most others' look like garden sheds!


Garden sheds?! More like card board boxes for homes!

Your house is more like a palace!!

Lol- hardly a palace. Its bigger than we had originally planned but it feels just right. Plenty of room for my wife and girls and plenty of places for me. :)

We appreciate the pics. Some builders think no one wants to see the process. Just the before and after. Half the fun is in the buildup. How many home/car/garden shows just have before and after shots? Like those shows, people want to see the process almost more than the payoff. It gives the people living vicariously through this stuff a feeling of accomplishment to see the hard work done by people we want to see succeed.

If you ever have a moment when you don't know what to show us, just walk around and take some random pictures of stuff. We'll eat it up.. Doesn't matter at all if you've taken the time to clean up the mess. [That's called evidence of work.] :eek2:
[Just don't forget the glamour shots at the end too.]:celeb1:

Daniel. :wildone:

All right - sounds good. Ill keep posting away.

Garage pictures?

Sorry car guy :P

No garage pics to share just yet. Intact I had to sell our big SUV cause it wouldn't fit in our garage at my condo where we have been for the past 15 months waiting for the house to be complete. However I did pick up one of these (the one on the left is mine) a few months back. When I move, Im debating what to get next- been tossing around the idea of several different cars to add to my stable- but haven't settled on anything just yet.


So, you play for the Diamondbacks or Cardinals?

Ha- neither unfortunately. Im just a regular guy with a sort of regular job. Playing for them would be great and I enjoy sports but that kind of athletic ability totally escapes me.
I wish "regular sort of jobs" bought houses and cars like that, but for now we'll continue to dream through your thread! Really nice car!

I guess a better description would be that its a regular job that I turned into an irregular opportunity.

I enjoy my car. Just am a bit confused as what else to get. I know I know, first world problems.:spin2::spin3:
look for a Jensen interceptor...it will go great with that gullwing Mercedes...or maybe look into a tesla?

lovin the house my friend...I could picture Pancho Villa looking at it and going "The Queens Palace?"... )
Fantastic build, gorgeous house, fortunate life!! What do you do for a living? I obviously need a career change! 😉
look for a Jensen interceptor...it will go great with that gullwing Mercedes...or maybe look into a tesla?

lovin the house my friend...I could picture Pancho Villa looking at it and going "The Queens Palace?"... )

My wife drives a Tesla. Actually I bought it first and she stole it last year. She loves the car. Drives great.
Well if you are looking to replace something big check out this years F-150's (or bigger if you want). Their 4 door cabs leave you the space of an SUV plus you have the truckbed for utility. They also come with more toy's then a Caddillac. I just got one (minus some of the top toys) and I love it.