1000 Gallon Build- Here we go- Lots of Pictures

Yea I can't see any of those pics it says you need to expand your bandwith.

BTW, yes you dont need the apex for radions, but it is so easy to set up and saves you so much time and anxiety, not to mention likely all of your livestock once or twice. The light aspect is the least important part. With the amount of money uve invested, I think it would be a HUGE mistake to fire it up without that installed. A lot of things can go wrong in the beginning.

So why not reef link? Not as good?
For me reef link has been amazing. I set up my lights with it and since then haven't had to once touch the lights themselves. I can log on from anywhere (even using my phones data not wifi). Ecosmart is so easy to navigate too. Not sure about what apex offers but I'd definitely recommend reef link!
Just so I can get this straight- Im a bit slow sometimes- You either get Apex and use that to control your lights, pumps etc and is compatible with numerous manufacturers or you get reef link to control your radions and its only compatible with Ecotech products. Correct?
Unreal tank and home. :bigeyes:

I believe reef link is only with ecotech marine products and is different than the apex controller itself.

The apex can control everything: Heater, lighting, auto water changes, dosing, 'if' parameters (if too hot kill heater, if there's a leak kill pump, etc). It also allows you to change or add to your setup over time.

You can read about the products here. You can also browse their forums to see what people are doing with their controllers.
Reef link is fine, but it only controls ecotech lights and pumps. Apex can control everything and save all your livestock.

Understood. looks like a trip to the LFS is warranted. Im at the office catching up on some paperwork- going to try to make the trip today and start the apex process.
Apex all the way. Control every aspect of your reef, but more importantly you can create failsafes and receive alerts via email/text when the it hits the fan... And it will. Lots of leak detectors and float switches, probes can be used to prevent disaster. Saved my butt a few times. Fusion now alerts you when you have a power outage. Highly recommend it.
I get their financial model but I've reduced the resolution of the photos significantly and according to them I'm using 2% of my capacity.
That's because storage space is cheap & easy, there is plenty of it, bandwidth on the other hand tends to be where they hit people the hardest (although you could argue that everything from ISPs to cell providers really over exaggerate how limited it is).
Reef link is fine, but it only controls ecotech lights and pumps. Apex can control everything and save all your livestock.

Apex fan here too. This is a great time to install and get to understand your Apex before you have life depending on it.

Get your tank wet and cycling, hook up the Apex and experiment with it. Once you get it, it's easy to add features.

And FIX the pics issue! We need our pics fix!!! :) ;)
Skimmer is up and running. Many thanks to Silef for his assistance on a Sunday night. Right now I'm just running the skimmer in the sump. I pumped some extra water into the tank- no leaks anywhere. Tuesday the sucker gets filled up.
Radions are being installed right now. The guys are putting up the ballast and hanging the lights on a rail 12 inches above the water.
You can also try Flickr.com. You get free uploads to a certain size (1TB)? I can't remember how much, but I have used it for many years and upgraded to their yearly plan (not a requirement to use their service).
Just download Tapatalk for your phone and add reef central. Then you literally just click on photos in your gallery to load the photo into the actual post. No links to other websites like photobucket etc, it's just there for everyone to see