1000 Gallon Build- Here we go- Lots of Pictures

That's a good call. I'm gonna have to steal that from you with regards to the screw. You have the storm correct? How are you securing the sensors in the top off bin? Mine is circular and not sure how to put the sensors in properly. Makes sense in the sump as there a flat wall to secure the sensors to. Not sure what's the best way for the top off circular bin.
My top off bin is 100 gallons (a lot) so I never plan on it going dry. But the Genesis needs to think its full, so I just plugged in that sensor to the head unit, cut the wire and spliced them together.This way, the top off bin is always "full".
The only thing that this sensor would save if the bin went dry is the $30 pump in it.
My top off bin is 100 gallons (a lot) so I never plan on it going dry. But the Genesis needs to think its full, so I just plugged in that sensor to the head unit, cut the wire and spliced them together.This way, the top off bin is always "full".
The only thing that this sensor would save if the bin went dry is the $30 pump in it.

so you just use a float valve? The Renew system is well designed. The Storm seems a bit over engineered.
My top off bin is 100 gallons (a lot) so I never plan on it going dry. But the Genesis needs to think its full, so I just plugged in that sensor to the head unit, cut the wire and spliced them together.This way, the top off bin is always "full".
The only thing that this sensor would save if the bin went dry is the $30 pump in it.

If I'm not mistaken, You don't even need to plug the float switches in. I didn't bother using them on mine because I had no need for them as I will never have my sump run low let alone my mixing tank. Maybe there was something special that Genesis did for mine but I have no float switches in my mixing tank or my sump that are connected to my Renew despite having the Renew Pro and it works just fine.

Edit.. For some reason, I thought you were talking about the Renew and I see now you were talking about the Storm.
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I don't have float switches in my renew either. Im talking about the Storm- their top off solution. There is a float switch in the sump- when it goes low, it turns the top off pump on to top off the sump. There is a high switch that if the water ever gets that high- it turns the pump off completely.

However there are also float switches that turn the water to the top off bin on and off. Im just trying to figure out the best way to mount these in my top off bin.
I don't have float switches in my renew either. Im talking about the Storm- their top off solution. There is a float switch in the sump- when it goes low, it turns the top off pump on to top off the sump. There is a high switch that if the water ever gets that high- it turns the pump off completely.

However there are also float switches that turn the water to the top off bin on and off. Im just trying to figure out the best way to mount these in my top off bin.

Yea, for some reason I thought he was talking about the Renew and not the Storm. Not sure how I came to that conclusion since he mentioned top off bin.

I like my Apex controlled ATO.. Much more simple and not only shuts the ATO if the sump gets too high, I also get an email and text alert and it works perfectly with the Renew since I have a delay programmed in to my ATO that requires that ATO float switches to be low for 3 consecutive minutes before my ATO pump is activated. That gives plenty of time for my Renew to change a gallon and also insures that my ATO isn't activated every 20 minutes or from some splashing or turbulence in the sump. Don't get me wrong, the Storm is a great device but I still feel the Apex controlled ATO works every bit as good and allows for more failsafes. Especially when salinity, and additional floats are used for too high and too low of water levels. That said, I am sure you will like the Storm. Especially since that's all you have experience with. Having experience with both the Storm and a well planned Apex based ATO, I'm obviously a bit biased now. On the flip side, I absolutely love my Renew as you are already well aware.
YES.. I am talking about the RENEW and STORM PRO COMBO package. I guess Geneses stepped up and redesigned their bundles. This package also includes ROC which controls the RO functions as well.This is probably why I have the sensor in the TO bin (RO water level control)This same sensor integrates with the TO sequence with STORM..but as I said; a little over-kill.I am also "tricking" my failsafe sensor in my SW tank to show "Always Full" for the RENEW (I have 150 gallons in there and will never go dry)
However there are also float switches that turn the water to the top off bin on and off. Im just trying to figure out the best way to mount these in my top off bin.[/QUOTE]

If you are referring to ROC,I will not hook mine up because it repeats what my RO system already has (auto shut off when TO tank is full)..having said that, its a nice feature...I am just not sure if it will conflict.Please let me know how that works out
I guess I'm a bit slow ricardo- how do you keep your top off bin from overflowing? What shuts the RO water off? Float valve?

any decent RO unit already has a pressure switch. This switch senses when the float valve (must have in your TO bin) is in the up position (full) and this alone will shut down your entire RO unit(water flow and pressure pump)
I have the float valve- was just thinking to mount the sensors so the float valve is just there as redundancy and back up. With the storm- there are now 3 back ups- the top float valve, the fail safe float valve, the float valve in the bin itself. Probably way over kill but what the heck.
absolutely nothing wrong with using all the sensors provided with the Genesis system.The only reason NOT to use the TO bin sensor is if you are having problems mounting it.I have not looked at this yet, but I do like problem solving.
It's a bit wonky mounting the sensors in the top off bin. I'm heading to the hardware store after work to figure something out and pick up some screws per your idea.
If you can't seem to get it worked out, you can just ship the whole setup to me. I'll at least get to see it through the window after my wife kicks me out.
Nylon bolts are the best to use in a salt water environment.I could not get my drill into the tight section where I used SS screws. BUT, if you have the room...Nylon bolts. And the Genesis shroud boxes are already drilled for bolts.
Way too much time on my hands

Way too much time on my hands


Ok, here is a good way to attach an internal 1/2" post inside a water tank.
The bulkhead will secure the "T" securely to the body of the tank. The black 1/2" post is the Genesis part or any other pvc piece.Just cap the dry bulkhead side.
Water change system - check
Filtration- check
Lighting- check
Reactors- 3 of them. Check
Salt water mixing station- check
RO holding tank - check
Fish and some beginner corals- check

Two things I need to fix- one- all these dang wires and cables and pipes and tubes. Need to get everything more organized. Second- everytime I turn my top off on, it runs a siphon. Will fix it in a few days. Very pleased with the the progress of the tank. Happy holidays everyone.
Congratulations Socal!
I am following your thread since some time ago in order to learn from you because I am building a house and planning a new tank (smaller) with remote samp also.
I am not sure if you already posted a photo with fishes or no, did you?